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The smart hospitals initiative: focusing on green technologies

The smart hospitals initiative concentrates on enhancing structural and operational aspects while incorporating green technologies. Energy improvements are being made through the installation of solar panels, electrical storage batteries, and low-consumption systems to provide hospitals with energy autonomy.

Healthcare centers become smart when they integrate their structural and operational security with ecological measures, maintaining a reasonable cost-benefit ratio.

Present focus on environmental policies

Currently, there is a growing emphasis on environmental policies to promote the concept of smart hospitals. However, achieving this requires interdisciplinary research, active industry participation, and appropriate government incentives to support ecological projects.

Consequences of smart hospital implementation

In a smart hospital, people, the environment, and systems are interconnected in real time. The data generated from this interactivity is intelligently utilized to enhance process quality, achieving personalized and safe patient care with efficient, high-performance operations.

Solutions through transformation

Traditional hospitals undergoing transformation into smart hospitals can significantly enhance patient experiences, personalize medical treatment, optimize the use of scarce and expensive resources, and substantially reduce errors, thereby improving the quality of care. This transformation also positively impacts environmental conditions.

The future: digital and ecological advancements

A digital and ecological future is becoming a reality. Fully harnessing the potential of fundamental technologies – including artificial intelligence, robotics, intelligent automation, next-generation telecommunications, and computing – is pivotal in reinventing the connections between people, processes, and the environment. Leveraging these new technologies not only improves care delivery outcomes and efficiency within hospitals but also enables hospitals to play a different role in the broader ecosystem.

Synthesis: pathways to smart services

The routes to becoming an intelligent service vary. For new hospital developments, there are opportunities to adopt a new, agile, and future-oriented design approach. For existing hospitals, a gradual transition to new technologies, redesign of care models, partnerships, and automation of activities and operational processes is more feasible. Smart health systems share five fundamental design principles: hyperconnected, intelligent, human-centered, high reliability, and sustainable.

Smart health systems proactively seek new partnership opportunities that blend healthcare expertise with high-tech capabilities. The Smart Hospital represents a transformation that is not just technological but also deeply rooted in an ecological approach.

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About the authors

Marcelo Fabian Saitta is a university specialist in pediatrics belonging to a team of doctors interested in the environment and its place in health.

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Laura Silvia Adduci is a university specialist in neurosurgery belonging to a team of doctors interested in the environment and its place in health.

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María Verónica Viñas Chacior is a university specialist in general surgery belonging to a team of doctors interested in the environment and its place in health.

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Diego Balverde is a sustainability professional focused on climate finance and the circular economy.

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