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The fundamentals of electromobility

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By Diego Balverde

· 3 min read

As the world's population continues to grow, so will transportation systems in ciites. And with more people comes a greater environmental and financial impact.

To this end, many companies are working towards "sustainable mobility", a social effort designed to conserve energy, reduce pollution and create long-term economic solutions for how we move around our city and the world.

Business leaders talk on a daily basis about advances in electric vehicles, "smart city" innovations, quantum technology, charging and logistics technology, workforce development and more.

Sustainable mobility will change everything

The mobility revolution is set to disrupt more than 30 industries and change everything about how people, goods, energy and data move through our world. There are obvious sustainable mobility sectors, sich as the electrification of cars and merchandise, but also less obvious sectors, such as the utilization of energy and the kind of energy we consume.

"Honestly, the day is not that far off when parents will tell their children how, when they were little, they had to drive their own cars."

It's a lot like how we explain to children now about when phones were on the wall and not in our pockets, or when the family car had a map on board.

Social training is a great piece of the puzzle

Training will be needed to increase the supply of electricity grids and also meet the intensity of sustainable mobility needs.

A recent Wall Street Journal article recently detailed the intense need for real-time solutions in cities where self-generation and electromobility are essential to meet sustainable goals.

Vehicles would reduce the great passive and active pollution of the cities. Together with the cessation of the use of fossils for self-generation, more than 70% of a reduction in carbon emissions is achieved.

Solar cities are smart cities

Cities can grow in the volume of clean energy. Through training, they can place solar panels in buildings, houses, companies and public buildings.

In this way, the volume grows per capita more than any other sustainability plan for cities. 

In addition, it adds new offsetting assets in the carbon markets (at London's [CFI2Z3]) that differentiate and benefit cities to become dominant players in the international sustainability space.

Cities must use their spaces as a test bed for connected autonomous vehicles and energy self-generation; in this way, they would obtain a tremendous competitive advantage.

Green finances are the big driver

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors have a significant impact on sustainable mobility.  Companies must now be held accountable for how they move goods around the world in an environmentally sound way. 

And without good practice, there are potential penalties and risks to capital investment.

Upcycling is electromobility for everyone

Sustainable mobility is a movement (pun intended) that affects everyone and from which we will all benefit. 

Advances in mobility can have a dramatic impact on those who have been "transportation insecure", by providing new and more efficient options for getting to living wage jobs, as well as creating living wage jobs for those who cannot perform certain tasks now due to disabilities.

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About the author

Diego Balverde is a sustainability professional focused on climate finance and the circular economy.

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