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The ASEAN pivot: Can wireless energy revolutionize sustainability and grid modernization? (Part II of II)

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By Alex Hong

· 11 min read

VIII. Quantum future: A sustainable energy horizon

While the current state of WET offers a glimpse of a more sustainable energy future, the true potential lies on the horizon – in the realm of quantum mechanics. While quantum-based WET remains in its theoretical infancy, the potential benefits are nothing short of revolutionary

Imagine a future where energy can be beamed across vast distances with unmatched efficiency, eliminating the need for traditional transmission infrastructure. Imagine a world where entangled particles act as invisible power cords, transmitting clean energy from renewable sources to even the most remote locations. Quantum-based WET holds the promise of a truly sustainable energy future for ASEAN and beyond.

The limitations of current WET technologies, such as distance and efficiency, could be a thing of the past with the advent of quantum mechanics. Here's how:

  • Ultra-High Efficiency: Unlike current methods that experience energy loss during conversion, quantum WET could approach near-perfect efficiency. Theoretical models suggest that entangled particles could transmit energy with minimal to no loss, maximizing the utilization of renewable resources.

  • Long-Distance Transmission: The limitations of line-of-sight and distance could be overcome. Quantum entanglement, if harnessed effectively, could theoretically transmit energy over vast distances, revolutionizing how we power geographically dispersed regions.

  • Enhanced Safety: Quantum-based WET could eliminate concerns about stray radiation or unintended energy leakage. The highly targeted nature of entangled particle transmission would ensure precise energy delivery, minimizing potential safety risks.

While the realization of this quantum future may seem distant, it's crucial to start planning for its eventual integration. Imagine a robust regional grid in ASEAN, powered by a combination of current WET technologies and a future quantum network. This grid could seamlessly integrate renewable energy sources across the region, ensuring a clean and sustainable energy mix.

Here's a glimpse into this long-term vision:

  • Hybrid WET Infrastructure: Current WET technologies can address immediate needs, while research and development focus on quantum solutions. Imagine a scenario where solar farms in Laos transmit energy wirelessly to Thailand using current WET methods, while a future quantum network facilitates long-distance transmission to geographically distant countries like Vietnam.

  • Real-Time Energy Management: A robust regional grid powered by WET would necessitate advanced monitoring and management systems. Imagine a future where blockchain technology is leveraged to create a secure and transparent platform for real-time energy trading and distribution, optimizing resource allocation across the region.

  • Sustainable Energy Security: A quantum-powered grid would enhance regional energy security. Imagine a future where ASEAN nations are no longer reliant on traditional energy sources, fostering greater energy independence and resilience.

The Road Ahead: Embracing Innovation

The journey towards a sustainable energy future for ASEAN requires a multi-pronged approach. While quantum WET holds immense promise, continued research and development are crucial. Additionally, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration across the region is essential.

ASEAN nations can embrace this future by:

  • Investing in Research & Development: Increased funding for research institutions and universities can accelerate advancements in quantum WET technology.

  • Promoting Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between government agencies, private companies, and academic institutions can foster a dynamic innovation ecosystem.

  • Developing Regulatory Frameworks: Establishing clear and forward-thinking regulations can guide the responsible development and deployment of WET technologies.

  • By taking these steps, ASEAN can position itself as a global leader in the race towards a sustainable energy future powered by cutting-edge technologies like WET. The potential benefits are far-reaching, not just for the region but for the entire planet. A cleaner, more secure, and sustainable energy future is within reach, and ASEAN has the opportunity to be at the forefront of this transformative journey.

IX. Call to action: Leading the ASEAN charge

The potential of Wireless Energy Transmission (WET) to revolutionize ASEAN's energy landscape and accelerate its sustainability pivot is undeniable. However, this transformative technology requires a proactive approach from regional leaders. Here's a call to action for ASEAN nations:

The current state of WET technology offers a promising stepping stone, but the true game-changer lies in quantum-based WET. To unlock this future, ASEAN nations must prioritize research and development (R&D) in this field. Here's how:

  • Increased Public Funding: Governments across ASEAN can allocate dedicated funding for research institutions and universities specializing in quantum physics and wireless energy transmission. This investment can fuel ground-breaking research and accelerate the development of next-generation WET solutions.

  • Public-Private Partnerships: Fostering collaboration between public and private sectors can create a dynamic innovation ecosystem. Governments can provide incentives and grants to private companies willing to invest in WET R&D, leveraging their expertise and resources.

  • Regional Research Collaboration: A collaborative approach to research can accelerate progress. ASEAN nations can establish regional research consortiums, fostering knowledge sharing and joint research projects focused on WET development.

A recent example of successful public-private collaboration in the energy sector is Singapore's Green Plan 2030 initiative. This government-backed program aims to accelerate the adoption of clean energy technologies through partnerships between public agencies and private companies. A similar approach can be replicated for WET R&D, bringing together the best minds and resources across the region.

While theoretical models paint a compelling picture of WET's potential, real-world experience is crucial. ASEAN nations should actively pursue pilot projects to test the feasibility and benefits of WET technologies in the region.

  • Focus on Priority Areas: Pilot projects should target areas where WET can have the most significant impact. Imagine projects focusing on electrifying remote islands in the Philippines or powering off-grid communities in Vietnam. These projects can provide valuable data on the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and social impact of WET.

  • Collaboration with International Partners: ASEAN nations can partner with leading research institutions and technology companies from developed countries with existing WET pilot projects. This collaboration can provide valuable technical expertise and accelerate learning curves.

  • Sharing Learnings and Best Practices: A regional knowledge-sharing platform can be established to facilitate the exchange of learnings and best practices from pilot projects. This open sharing can accelerate the region's collective understanding and adoption of WET technologies.


Beyond testing the technical feasibility of WET, pilot projects can also serve as launchpads for entirely new applications. Imagine pilot projects that explore WET for electric vehicle charging networks embedded in roads, eliminating the need for physical charging stations. Imagine projects that utilize WET infrastructure for data transmission, creating a network of sensors for environmental monitoring or smart grid management. By encouraging such experimentation within pilot projects, ASEAN can foster innovation clusters dedicated to WET technologies. This will not only accelerate the development of new WET applications but also create new employment opportunities and industries within the region.

A supportive policy and regulatory environment is essential for encouraging WET adoption. Here's how ASEAN nations can create a conducive ecosystem:

  • Streamlined Permitting Processes: Governments can establish clear and efficient permitting processes for WET infrastructure development. This will reduce bureaucratic hurdles and incentivize companies to invest in WET projects.

  • Financial Incentives: Financial incentives such as tax breaks or subsidies can encourage private companies to develop and deploy WET solutions. This will accelerate the commercialization of WET technology and reduce upfront costs for early adopters.

  • Standardization and Regulations: Developing regional standards for WET technology can ensure safety, efficiency, and interoperability. This will create a predictable regulatory environment and foster investor confidence.

The European Union's (EU) regulatory framework for electric vehicle charging infrastructure offers a valuable model. The EU has established clear regulations and standards for charging infrastructure, promoting innovation and accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles. A similar approach can be adopted for WET in ASEAN, creating a supportive regulatory environment for this transformative technology.

The future of ASEAN's energy landscape is bright. By embracing the transformative potential of WET, investing in research and development, implementing pilot projects that foster innovation, and fostering a supportive regulatory environment, ASEAN nations can position themselves as global leaders in sustainable energy. This leadership will not only benefit the region but also serve as a beacon of hope for a cleaner, more secure, and sustainable future for the entire planet. The time to act is now. Let ASEAN lead the charge towards a wireless energy future.

The potential impact of ASEAN's leadership in WET extends far beyond the region's borders. By successfully implementing WET technologies, ASEAN can serve as a powerful case study for other developing nations grappling with similar energy challenges. Imagine a future where island nations in the Pacific or remote communities in Africa can access clean and reliable energy through WET, replicating the success achieved by ASEAN.

The widespread adoption of WET will create a global market for the technology, fostering international collaboration and innovation. Imagine a future where ASEAN nations become hubs for WET research, development, and manufacturing, exporting their expertise and creating new economic opportunities. This global market will not only accelerate the development of WET technologies but also promote sustainable energy solutions on a global scale.

As the Southeast Asian ambassador of the Global Blockchain Business Council, I see the immense potential for blockchain to create a new era of transparency, traceability, efficiency and democracy for the sustainable energy industry. I do think there are important roles that blockchain and regional councils can bring:

  • Blockchain for Secure and Transparent Energy Trading: Blockchain technology can be leveraged to create a secure and transparent platform for energy trading within a WET-powered grid. Councils and associations can support the development of blockchain-based solutions specifically designed for WET applications. Energy tokenisation will have a significant role to play in encouraging and accelerating investments into sustainable energy production and distribution. Blockchain technology can determine the best way for energy use in any given situation. 

  • Facilitating Cross-Border Collaboration: Councils and association can be utilized to foster collaboration between ASEAN nations and international stakeholders in the WET space. This will accelerate knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and joint project development.

  • Promoting Investment in ASEAN WET Projects: Councils and associations can leverage its influence to attract international investment towards WET pilot projects and commercial deployments in ASEAN. This will provide the necessary financial resources to accelerate the region's progress in this field.

Blockchain technology and tokenisation through the support and advocacy of councils and association and the international community can usher in a new era of sustainable energy powered by wireless energy transmission. The future is bright, and the time for action is now. Let's collectively create a cleaner, more secure, and sustainable energy future for all.

X. Conclusion

The story of ASEAN's sustainable energy transition is yet to be written, but Wireless Energy Transmission (WET) promises to be a pivotal chapter. This transformative technology offers a unique opportunity for ASEAN nations to revolutionize their energy landscapes, accelerate their transition to clean energy sources, and modernize their grids.

For geographically dispersed regions like ASEAN, with numerous islands and remote communities, WET presents a compelling solution for achieving universal energy access. Imagine a future where scattered populations across the region no longer rely on expensive and polluting diesel generators, but have access to clean and reliable energy beamed wirelessly. This not only improves living standards but also unlocks economic opportunities by powering businesses and essential services.

The integration of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal is crucial for ASEAN's sustainability goals. However, integrating these often-variable sources into existing grids poses challenges. WET offers a solution by enabling seamless integration and real-time adjustments to meet fluctuating energy demands. Imagine a scenario where excess solar energy generated in rural Thailand can be efficiently transmitted wirelessly to meet peak demand periods in urban centres, maximizing the utilization of renewable resources and optimizing grid efficiency.

Millions in ASEAN still lack access to reliable and affordable electricity. WET can bridge this gap by enabling the electrification of unserved and underserved areas. Imagine powering villages in Myanmar without the need for extensive and expensive wired infrastructure. This not only improves quality of life and promotes economic development, but also fosters a more equitable and sustainable energy future for all ASEAN citizens.

nges of climate change and energy security demand innovative solutions. By embracing WET and fostering a culture of research and development, ASEAN nations can position themselves at the forefront of the clean energy revolution. Imagine a regional energy market where countries trade clean energy based on real-time needs and capabilities, facilitated by a robust WET infrastructure powered by blockchain technology. This vision of a sustainable energy future is not just achievable, but essential for ASEAN's long-term prosperity and well-being.

The time for hesitation is over. ASEAN nations must seize the opportunity presented by WET and embrace innovative technologies to secure a cleaner, more secure, and sustainable energy future for generations to come. Let this region become a beacon of hope, demonstrating to the world the transformative potential of wireless energy transmission.

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About the author

Alex Hong is a Director at AEIR (Singapore), part of Sync Neural Genesis AG, spearheading innovations in wireless energy. He serves as the Ambassador of Southeast Asia for the Global Blockchain Business Council and chairs blockchain initiatives at the Global Sustainability Foundation Network. Appointed as LinkedIn’s Top Voices (Green) since 2022, Alex is a leading ESG thought leader. Additionally, he is the Chief Sustainability Coordinator at YNBC, advisory board member for the Green Computing Foundation and the European Carbon Offset Tokenization Association (ECOTA) Expert.


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