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Navigating the future: the significance of EU Transport Day in addressing climate challenges in transportation networks

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By Julien Geffard

· 4 min read


The next round of climate negotiations, COP28, is currently underway in Dubai where global attention has converged to address pressing environmental concerns. Notably, transport—responsible for approximately a quarter of the EU's total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions—will be a key focus. To facilitate discourse on this critical subject, the European Union organized an 'EU Transport Day' on December 6. This dedicated event brought together industry leaders, experts, and civil society to explore topics ranging from the resilience of transport infrastructure to the role of alternative fuels in green aviation and maritime transport.

EU Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy

In its Communication of December 9, 2020, titled 'Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy,' the Commission emphasized the indispensability of all modes of transport for the overall transport system. Since the adoption of the greenhouse gas emissions trading system, also known as the "carbon market," in 2005, companies have been incentivized to reduce emissions by paying according to their pollution levels. This system aligns with the European Union's goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050, where a balance between emitted greenhouse gases and their absorption in natural or artificial carbon sinks must be reached. The recent expansion of the European carbon market to include new sectors, particularly in buildings and transportation, underscores its commitment to addressing climate change.

EU transport agenda in the margins of COP28: infrastructure and fuel

The focal point of the EU Transport Day will be the challenge of establishing a resilient infrastructure for the transportation network. With the anticipation of more extreme weather events, discussions revolved around the need for infrastructure that can withstand these challenges. Experts provided insights into adaptation efforts and necessary investments. Expectations included the presentation of best practices for safeguarding critical infrastructure such as roads, railways, bridges, ports, and airports. The event also provided an opportunity for updates on the EU's Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) in light of climate change. The TEN-T, a key instrument fostering the efficient transport of people and goods, remains a priority for the EU.

Moving to the sea, a key topic was sustainable alternative fuel in shipping. Sustainable, renewable, low, and zero-GHG emission fuels are crucial for reducing emissions from the shipping sector. The recent adoption of the FuelEU Maritime Regulation by the EU aims to drive the uptake of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport. There is a recognized need to develop an international framework supporting the global uptake of such fuels in shipping, potentially through a global GHG fuel standard.

Aviation's role in climate change mitigation

Aviation plays a crucial role in climate change mitigation, with the potential to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the decarbonization of transport. However, the realization of zero-emission commercial air transport, either through zero direct CO2 emissions or entirely sustainable aviation fuels, remains a technological challenge. Until such technology becomes available, air transport should be considered a transitional activity.


In conclusion, the discussions and insights shared during the EU Transport Day promise to be pivotal in addressing the pressing challenges posed by climate change in our transportation networks. The emphasis on building a resilient infrastructure underscores the urgency of adapting to more frequent and severe weather events.

The maritime sector's focus on sustainable alternative fuels, guided by the recently adopted FuelEU Maritime Regulation, reflects a concerted effort to reduce emissions and promote eco-friendly practices in shipping. The call for an international framework supporting the global adoption of green fuels is a crucial step toward achieving a more sustainable future for maritime transport.

Similarly, the exploration of aviation's potential to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions emphasizes its significant role in the broader context of transport decarbonization. While the realization of zero-emission commercial air transport remains a technological challenge, ongoing efforts and discussions are essential for steering the industry toward sustainable practices.

In essence, the EU Transport Day not only served as a forum for addressing current challenges but also acted as a catalyst for collaborative solutions and advancements in our transportation systems, aligning with the broader goals of the EU's Trans-European Transport Network.

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About the author

Julien Geffard is Head of Europe in Ola's electric mobility division, spearheading its launch and operations. He embarked on his professional journey at Fiat Group, later venturing into BMW's French subsidiary and Bentley Motors in Europe & the UK, where he served as Head of Marketing Network. He has also been CMO for the Alpine brand within the Renault Group and Vice-President of Sales & Marketing for Peugeot's two-wheeler division.

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