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Industries promoting sustainability programs

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By illuminem

· 5 min read

Consumer-led climate activism is growing rapidly around the world. In fact, some people no longer spend money on brands that ignore climate change. This new trend is forcing brands all over the world to rethink how they manufacture, package, and market their products.

The 2019 epidemic painted a picture of what the world could look like with reduced emissions. It would be a more beautiful, healthier world for all of us. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the industries doing their best to promote climate change.

#1: Energy sector

The energy industry accounts for 72% of all greenhouse emissions, according to the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. Electricity and heat consumption produces 31% of all emissions, followed by transportation (15%), construction (12%), and other fuel combustions at 8%.

The US is the largest producer of greenhouse gases per capita while Russia leads in intensity. Emissions are growing at a fast rate, which is why leaders in the energy sectors are working hard to bring crucial climate change.

Renewable energy is the industry's preferred way of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Renewable energy produces zero dangerous gas emissions. It is cheaper to produce, ubiquitous, and healthier.

Not so long ago (2005), governments and energy industries were afraid of encouraging sustainability for fear it would lead to mass job losses. As time proved, however, renewable energy helped create even more jobs.

#2: Casinos and hotels

Globally, casinos produce about 2% of the world’s carbon footprint. The hotel industry contributes 1% of carbon emissions. Casinos and hotels contribute to climate change through the manufacturing of equipment, electricity and heating needs, transportation, and agriculture.

Casinos are responding to climate change by investing in gambling sites. In New Jersey, almost all brick-and-mortar casinos in the state own an online casino. In Nevada, casinos can own mobile betting apps but not casino games of chance.

Online casinos have much lower carbon footprints. They have minimal lighting budgets. They don’t sell goods that require packaging or shipping. And they generally require fewer resources.

Gambling sites usually offer online slots and card games. According to this full casino breakdown, the best gambling sites accept Venmo payments, credit cards, Apple Pay and other mobile-friendly payment companies.

Hotels usually accept digital payment methods. But they can’t operate online. To lower their carbon footprints, they’re adopting renewable energy and better foot handling/packaging practices.

#3: Transportation industry

Transportation is a major source of carbon emissions. But no one is surprised. More than 95% of the fuel used for transportation is petroleum-based—gasoline, diesel, and liquefied gas.

The transport industry is responding to sustainability efforts by adopting electric cars. Additionally, car manufacturers are improving engine efficiency, mostly due to new government policies.

Electric cars will take some time before they become mainstream. But considering companies like Tesla sell millions of units every year, there’s hope emissions caused by transportation will reduce with time.  

This will become a reality if governments encourage their citizens to adopt environmentally sound means of transport. If countries can create cyclist-friendly roads, and electric trains and promote walking, the world will face lower emission rates.

#4: Tourism sector

Tourism is yet another major industry with a significant global carbon footprint (8%). Gas emissions in the sector stem from transportation, using resources in hotels, and the generation of waste.

Carbon emissions in the tourism sector are expected to grow significantly as tourism increases around the world. The tourism sector is working to lower its carbon footprint.

Casinos and hotels in Las Vegas sometimes use buses to fetch visitors from the airport instead of small cars. In national parks, tour companies have been encouraging tourists to use buses and vans to watch animals.

Another area tourism providers are working on is energy generation. Hotels are embracing solar panels. And they're adopting energy-sound ways of dealing with waste.

#5: Agriculture

Deforestation might be good for increasing farmland. But it has countless disadvantages to the environment. It can cause droughts, increase greenhouse emissions, and interfere with animal life.

How is agriculture fighting climate change? The industry is investing in food production tools and equipment that don’t put a strain on natural resources. This will ensure the world has access to quality food without and boot income efficiently.

It is also investing in resources that help reduce vulnerability to pests, droughts, and other risks enhanced by gas emissions. The agricultural sector can play a bigger role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But it would need better financing from major governments and world organizations.

#6: Manufacturing and retail

The manufacturing industry plays a big role in greenhouse emissions. And the retail sector does little to change the situation. For a long time, the manufacturing sector has been ignoring consumer campaigns encouraging better efforts to climate change.

Fortunately, consumer boycotts, new government policies, and better management are helping reduce greenhouse emissions by manufacturers and retailers.

Manufacturers have countless ways of reducing their carbon footprint. It starts with their equipment. They can replace gas-powered tools with electric resources. They could also embrace renewable energy for heating and providing electricity.

When it comes to manufacturing, companies can use energy-efficient materials. For example, they can use biodegradable materials where petroleum-based products aren’t necessary.

Retailers can help fight climate change by stocking energy-efficient products. They can sell more biodegradable packages and fewer plastic packages. They could also label energy-efficient tools and equipment to help customers make better buying decisions. 

#7:  Commercial and residential housing

Thirty percent of all greenhouse gas emissions came from people using heating and electrical equipment. So, if you own appliances in your house, you have a carbon footprint you should seek to reduce. 

The good thing about your household’s carbon footprint is that you can lower it. You can replace appliances that consume too much heat. You could also switch them off when not in use.

Or, you can invest in solar panels. Solar panels aren’t always expensive. And if you live in a place with warm weather, they could provide all the energy you need in your home. Solar energy is cheap, meaning you can save significantly by adopting renewable power.

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