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How sustainability-linked bonds can end fracking and reshape the future of energy

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By Paul Boëffard

· 4 min read

The environmental and economic risks of fracking

Fracking remains one of the most environmentally damaging oil and gas extraction techniques, with severe consequences including groundwater contamination, methane emissions, and induced seismic activity. Despite global climate commitments, national oil companies (NOCs) in emerging economies continue to expand fracking operations, seeking to exploit untapped reserves. 

At the same time, Public Development Banks (PDBs) play a growing role in aligning financial flows with the Paris Agreement. Their focus has primarily been on financing renewables and low-carbon infrastructure. However, a more proactive approach is needed—one that not only supports clean energy but directly disincentivizes fossil fuel expansion.

A financial mechanism to halt fracking

One promising financial instrument is the Sustainability-Linked Bond (SLB), which can incentivise NOCs to phase out fracking while financing their transition. Under this model, an NOC would issue a bond with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) tied to a verifiable cessation of fracking in targeted regions. The proceeds of the bond would be used to finance the company's transition plan, including investments in renewable energy projects, grid modernisation, and other low-carbon initiatives. Unlike traditional green bonds, which require funds to be earmarked for specific projects, SLBs provide flexibility while imposing financial consequences if sustainability targets are not met.

The role of PDBs

To enhance the bond’s attractiveness, institutional investors with strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) mandates—such as sovereign wealth funds, impact investors, and green bond funds—would subscribe to the issuance. Public Development Banks would play a critical role by providing concessional finance in the form of guarantees, interest rate subsidies, or risk-sharing mechanisms, helping to reduce the cost of capital and improve investor confidence. In parallel, PDBs could also invest in complementary projects, such as renewable infrastructure or workforce retraining, to support the broader energy transition.

Ensuring compliance and transparency

For this mechanism to work, the NOC must commit to halting fracking within a defined timeframe. Compliance would trigger concessional benefits such as reduced interest rates or extended maturities, while non-compliance would result in financial penalties, such as coupon step-ups or redemption premiums, making capital more expensive. The strength of these financial incentives is crucial—penalties must be high enough to deter non-compliance, but not so high that they discourage issuance altogether.

To ensure transparency, independent auditors would monitor fracking activity using satellite data, environmental assessments, and financial disclosures. Third-party verifiers such as the Climate Bonds Initiative, accredited ESG auditors, or environmental NGOs would conduct regular assessments to confirm compliance. 

Overcoming political and financial barriers

Despite its potential, this model faces significant challenges. Some NOCs may be bound by long-term extraction contracts or national energy security strategies that prioritise domestic fossil fuel production. Governments may also be reluctant to impose restrictions on NOCs that provide substantial fiscal revenues. Additionally, SLBs must avoid rewarding NOCs for actions they had already planned to take—KPIs must be ambitious, independently verified, and enforceable. Investor confidence is another critical issue. 

The success of an SLB depends on the credibility of the sustainability targets and the robustness of the monitoring framework. Some Public Development Banks have explicit fossil fuel exclusion policies, which may prevent them from supporting SLBs issued by NOCs. This could require adjustments in investment guidelines or the creation of dedicated transition finance instruments for fossil fuel-dependent economies.

Another key challenge is ensuring that NOCs can issue SLBs without jeopardising their financial stability. Many state-owned oil companies already carry significant debt burdens, and their ability to issue additional bonds depends on their credit rating and access to sovereign guarantees. If an NOC is highly leveraged, concessional support may be needed to reduce borrowing costs. The structure of the bond itself must also strike a balance—if the coupon step-up for non-compliance is too small, NOCs may simply absorb the cost and continue fracking; if it is too high, the bond may fail to attract investors. Market trends suggest that a penalty range of 50-150 basis points is optimal for ensuring compliance while maintaining market viability.

Strategic opportunities for public development banks

Public Development Banks are well-positioned to facilitate this financial innovation, particularly in regions where they influence national energy strategies. In Latin America, institutions such as CAF and IDB could work with national oil companies like YPF in Argentina, Ecopetrol in Colombia, and PEMEX in Mexico to integrate SLBs into their transition strategies. In sub-Saharan Africa, the African Development Bank and the Development Bank of Southern Africa could support engagements with PetroSA in South Africa and NNPC in Nigeria to structure fracking phase-outs. By leveraging their concessional finance instruments, technical assistance, and policy influence, PDBs can help create credible pathways for fossil fuel-dependent economies to transition.

Conclusion: The need for financial innovation in climate action

Public Development Banks have a unique opportunity to drive financial innovations that align with global climate goals. Sustainability-Linked Bonds offer a promising mechanism to disincentivise fracking while financing transition investments, but structural adjustments are needed to ensure their financial viability. Stronger credit enhancement mechanisms, stricter compliance measures, and alternative financial instruments should be explored to create a scalable and investable transition strategy for oil-producing nations.

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About the author

Paul Boëffard is the Founder of LEAVIT, a think tank dedicated to leveraging climate finance - bonds, swaps, country platform - to help Global South countries transition away from fossil fuels. As a climate finance and energy transition expert, he has a great track of experience spanning consultancy at Deloitte, public administration in Ville de Paris and development banking at Caisse des Dépôts. Now a researcher at LINGO (Leave It in the Ground Initiative), he leads the COP29 to COP30 advocacy strategy, working to integrate climate finance tools into countries’ NDC updates to incentivise keeping fossil fuels in the ground

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