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Decarbonisation strategies and energy transition: Achieving net zero with innovative technologies

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By illuminem

· 4 min read

illuminem is proud to partner with Green Future Project (GFP) to host the upcoming webinar titled "Decarbonisation Strategies and Energy Transition: Achieving Net Zero with Innovative Technologies" on 29th July at 5 PM CET

What the webinar will cover

The upcoming webinar titled "Decarbonisation Strategies and Energy Transition: Achieving Net Zero with Innovative Technologies" on 29th July at 5 PM CET, will provide an in-depth overview of key European goals and policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to low-carbon energy sources. Attendees will gain a solid understanding of various decarbonisation strategies that companies can implement to achieve net zero. Key topics include:

Regulatory framework and net zero objectives: European goals

The European Union has set ambitious targets for achieving net zero emissions by 2050. This includes significant reductions in greenhouse gases across all sectors of the economy. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and other upcoming regulations will require detailed reporting on sustainability practices. Understanding these policies is crucial for companies to stay compliant and ahead of regulatory changes.

Insight: Upcoming regulations will mandate stricter environmental compliance standards, making it essential for companies to adopt rigorous carbon monitoring and reporting practices. Failure to comply could result in significant fines and reputational damage.

Corporate adaptation: Challenges and opportunities

Adapting to new regulations can be challenging, but it also presents opportunities for companies to innovate and lead in sustainability. The transition to low-carbon energy sources requires a strategic approach to integrating new technologies and modifying existing processes.

Insight: Companies that proactively adapt to these changes can gain a competitive edge by positioning themselves as leaders in sustainability, enhancing their brand reputation and opening up new market opportunities. Industries like automotive and steel are innovating to reduce their carbon footprints. Automotive companies are shifting towards electric vehicles (EVs) and steel manufacturers are exploring hydrogen-based production processes to minimise emissions.

Decarbonisation strategies for companies: Exploration of decarbonisation methods

Effective decarbonisation involves a combination of reducing emissions internally and offsetting residual emissions. This includes strategies such as carbon footprint monitoring, energy efficiency improvements, and emission offsetting through high-quality carbon credits.

Insight: Real-time carbon footprint monitoring and integrating advanced technologies like AI and IoT can significantly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of decarbonisation efforts. Companies can use these tools to identify areas for improvement and implement targeted actions.

Companies including Green Future Project provide SaaS platforms that help measure, monitor, and visualise environmental impact in real time. Green Future Project uses satellite technology and advanced software to track Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, making it easier for companies to manage and reduce their carbon footprints effectively.

Energy transition: Necessity and progress 

The shift to renewable energy sources is critical for achieving net zero. This involves replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy technologies such as solar, wind, and bioenergy. The progress of energy transition varies by region and sector, and understanding these dynamics is key for effective implementation.

Global energy demand in 2050 is projected to be met primarily by renewable sources, with solar becoming the largest single source of energy supply. This transition is already underway, with significant investments in solar and wind energy infrastructure worldwide.

Insight: The transition to a renewable energy system is not only an environmental imperative but also an economic opportunity. Investment and a just transition to renewable energy infrastructure can drive economic growth, create jobs, and enhance energy security.

The role of new technologies

Technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and digital solutions play a crucial role in supporting decarbonisation efforts. For example, AI can optimise energy management systems, IoT can provide real-time monitoring of emissions, and digital solutions can streamline reporting processes. Embracing these technologies can accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices and reduce overall emissions.

Insight: Hydrogen technology is being developed as a clean energy carrier. Hydrogen fuel cells are being integrated into various applications, from transportation to industrial processes, providing a versatile solution for reducing carbon emissions where electrification is not feasible.

The speakers

As the GFP’s media partner, illuminem is delighted to share the top speakers set to lead the webinar:

  • Sebastian Manhart: illuminem Voice and Senior Policy Advisor at CarbonFuture, expert in regulatory frameworks and policy development for carbon emission reductions.

  • Pietro Pasolini: CEO and Founder of Green Future Project, specialises in carbon neutrality solutions, leveraging satellite technology and real-time CO2 emissions measurement.

  • Catherine Bottrill: CEO and co-founder of Pilio Ltd, an Oxford University spin-out, focuses on enhancing energy efficiency through technology.

  • Giulia Burchi (Moderator): Impact and Project Manager, is responsible for selecting and verifying the quality of environmental projects with which Green Future Project collaborates.

By delving into these topics, the webinar aims to provide attendees with actionable insights and strategies to navigate the complexities of achieving net zero. The focus on practical examples and the use of advanced technologies will equip professionals with the tools needed to drive sustainable change within their organisations.

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