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World fails first review of COP renewable energy goal

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on POLITICO or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: The world is failing to meet the renewable energy targets agreed at COP28, with current investment and policy efforts falling short, warns the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
• To meet the 2030 goal of tripling renewable energy capacity and doubling energy-saving efforts, a massive $31.5 trillion investment is needed globally by 2030
• At the current pace, only half of the necessary renewable power growth will be achieved

🔭 The context: While investment in renewables hit a record $570 billion in 2023, IRENA says $1.5 trillion per year is required, alongside a seven-fold increase in energy-saving measures
• With COP29 approaching, the spotlight will be on financing, especially for developing countries, which received only a fraction of last year’s renewable investments
• Solar is the only renewable technology on track, but other sources like wind and geothermal lag significantly.

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Meeting these renewable energy goals is critical for keeping global warming within the limits of the Paris Agreement
• Falling short risks escalating climate impacts and undermines global efforts to shift away from fossil fuels

⏭️ What's next: COP29 will focus on increasing financial commitments, particularly for developing countries
• Updated national climate plans (NDCs) in 2025 will need to dramatically raise renewable energy targets to stay on track

💬 One quote: "A dramatic surge in investment is required to course-correct" – IRENA's assessment report

📈 One stat: Reaching the COP28 targets requires a global investment of $31.5 trillion by 2030, more than doubling current renewable energy investments

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