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Why consumers shouldn’t ignore B Corps

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Raconteur or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: A 2022 survey shows a rising trend in UK consumers considering environmental impact and corporate ethics in their purchasing decisions
• The emergence of B Corporations (B Corps), certified by B Lab for meeting high standards of social and environmental performance, is becoming a significant benchmark for ethical business practices

🔭 The context: B Corps are recognized for their commitment to balancing profit with the welfare of people and the planet. However, despite their relevance, many consumers are still unaware of B Corps, partly due to their limited number compared to the overall UK workforce

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: B Corp certification is crucial in guiding consumers towards sustainable brands, amidst the challenge of green marketing and the difficulty in identifying genuinely sustainable companies
• Certifications like B Corps offer a structured approach to understanding a company's environmental and ethical commitments.

⏭️ What's next: There is a growing need to bridge the consumer knowledge gap regarding B Corp certification and its implications for sustainability
• Improved communication and understanding of such certifications are vital in driving the movement towards a more sustainable and equitable economy.

💬 One quote: “It sends a strong signal to your customers, employees and consumers that your business is committed to doing the right thing for people and the planet,” says Rosalind Holley, director of communications and marketing at B Lab UK

📈 One stat: Out of the 32 million people working in the UK, only around 1,700 B Corps employing over 80,000 people exist, highlighting the rarity and significance of this certification.

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