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Why clearer terminology for hydrogen could unlock investment and scale up production

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By Timur Gül, Noé van Hulst

· 7 min read

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About the authors

Timur Gül is the Head of the Energy Technology Policy (ETP) division at the International Energy Agency (IEA). Previously, he was a Senior Energy Analyst at the Directorate for Global Energy Economics, where he coordinated the energy end use modelling work for the World Energy Outlook (WEO). He writes about topics including energy, climate change, oil demand, renewable energies and energy efficiency.

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Noé van Hulst is a globally renowned hydrogen expert. He currently serves as Special Advisor Hydrogen to the IEA, vice-Chair of the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy, Hydrogen Advisor to infrastructure company Gasunie and Senior Fellow at Clingendael International Energy Programme. He has also been the Dutch Ambassador to the OECD, Chairman of the IEA Governing Board, and Director-General for Energy at the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands.

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