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We should offer happiness as the solution to soaring climate anxiety

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Forbes or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Google has reported a 565% increase in searches for 'climate anxiety' over the past year, reflecting a surge in public concern about climate change and its psychological impacts
• This trend is not just about the science of climate change but focuses on the emotional and mental health aspects, as people seek support for their growing eco-anxiety

🔭 The context: Market research, like the Ipsos Global Trends survey, has long tracked public concern about environmental issues. The 2023 report shows that 80% of respondents in 50 countries believe we are heading towards an environmental disaster unless habits change quickly
• This growing awareness is accompanied by a shift in online behavior, with many seeking positive and uplifting content to counterbalance their climate anxiety.

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Climate action is often framed in terms of scientific necessity or economic impact, but its emotional and psychological benefits are frequently overlooked
• Addressing climate change can lead to improvements in various aspects of life, from health to national security, and contribute significantly to achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

⏭️ What's next: A shift in focus towards the positive impacts of climate action could be key. Highlighting how sustainable practices can enhance personal well-being, bring happiness, and alleviate anxiety might encourage more individuals to engage in climate-positive behaviors

💬 One quote: "The greatest secret is that climate action will deliver exactly that happiness boost people are spending so much time looking for."

📈 One stat: Searches for 'climate anxiety' have soared by 565% in the past 12 months

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