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Using technology for inclusive health management

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By Hammad Ahmed

· 3 min read

As we navigate the complexities of an aging population, the intersection of technology, and aging has emerged as a pivotal area for innovation and progress. The advent of age-tech, encompassing a spectrum of technologies from digital media to wearables, presents unprecedented opportunities to enhance the well-being of ageing adults and addresses the evolving needs of our society.

The majority of healthcare costs in the developed world, and soon in the developing world, are driven by ageing and age-related diseases. Addressing the root causes of ageing may offer a larger return on investment than targeting individual diseases. Investing in healthy ageing not only reduces healthcare expenditure—a population that lives better for longer also stimulates economic growth. According to data from the US, a one-year increase in healthy life expectancy is worth almost US$40trn in healthcare saving costs and productivity gains. The world's demographic structure is undergoing a transformative shift, with the population over 60 expected to double to 2bn by 2050. Delayed action will result in reduced quality of life and additional years lived in ill-health, all while young people take on the responsibility of caregivers for family members.

At Longlive, we recognize the transformative potential of technology in empowering individuals to take control of their health journey. As CEO, I've witnessed firsthand the profound impact that technology-based solutions can have on the lives of older adults, particularly in the realm of proactive health management and chronic disease prevention.

But our commitment to leveraging technology goes beyond addressing immediate challenges; it extends to empowering older adults to live independently and well for years to come. Smart devices, such as tablets, wearables and smartphones, play a central role in facilitating meaningful activities for individuals.

As we look to the future, it's imperative that we continue to champion the integration of technology into healthcare systems and community services. By harnessing the power of big data, artificial intelligence, and smart home systems, we can revolutionize the way we deliver care, ensuring that ageing adults receive timely interventions and personalized support.

However, our journey towards embracing technology must be guided by a commitment to equity and inclusion. We must address disparities in access and usage of technology, particularly among marginalized populations, to ensure that all ageing adults can benefit from age-tech innovations.

As we stand at the forefront of a new era in healthcare, let us seize the opportunities afforded by technology to redefine aging and empower older adults to live their best lives. Together, we can build a future where proactive health management is not just a possibility but a reality for all.

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About the author

Hammad Ahmed is the Founder and CEO of Longlive, a London-based startup focused on innovative healthcare solutions. With over 16 years of experience in technology and healthcare, including roles at Merck, Microsoft, and Vodafone, Hammad is an advocate for addressing health equity gaps.

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