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UK missing climate targets on nearly every front, say government’s advisers

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece from The Guardian here or enjoy below! 😉

🗞️ Driving the news: The UK government’s plans to achieve net zero emissions have faced severe criticism in a scathing report by the Climate Change Committee (CCC)
• The report points out the widespread failure to hit goals in key areas: falling rates of home insulation installations, slow advances in curbing transport emissions, and indecision regarding hydrogen for home heating
• For example, the report reveals a dramatic slash in home energy upgrades via the government’s Energy Company Obligation scheme, from 383,700 in 2021 to just 159,600 in 2022. To achieve net zero, a staggering 1-2 million homes need annual upgrades

🔭 The context: The committee emphasizes that the UK has fallen behind other nations and identifies governmental decisions such as approving a new coal mine and new oil and gas fields in the North Sea as “utterly unacceptable” 

🌎 Why does it matter for the planet: The report’s findings reveal a significant gap between the government’s net zero targets and the actual progress being made
• The CCC notes that greenhouse gas emissions have been falling by just under 3% a year, but this will need to double over the next eight years for the UK to meet its 2030 target

⏭️ What’s next: The report calls for a fundamental shift in political leadership ahead of COP28 and the adoption of integrated systems-based regulatory approaches
• Urgent action is needed to increase home energy efficiency, implement low-carbon heating measures, and accelerate the decarbonization of transport and heavy industries

💬 One quote: “What’s missing is political leadership... Until that happens, this program [of reaching net zero] is going to run into the sand” (Chris Stark, Chief Executive of the Climate Change Committee)

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