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UAE’s al-Jaber invites business chiefs to climate talks on eve of COP29

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Financial Times or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Sultan al-Jaber, the UAE minister and outgoing president of the UN COP28 summit, is hosting a key pre-COP29 gathering in Abu Dhabi

  •  This event will bring together leaders from the tech and oil industries to discuss the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with energy to enhance sustainability

🔭 The context: Al-Jaber's initiative reflects a strategic approach to leverage AI in reducing the energy sector's carbon footprint while optimizing energy efficiency

  •  His role as both a national oil company head and a climate summit leader highlights the complex interplay between global energy management and environmental responsibility

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The use of AI in energy systems promises significant advances in reducing emissions and improving grid efficiencies

  •  This is crucial as global electricity demand soars, particularly from data centers, which are expected to double their consumption by 2026

⏭️ What's next: The discussions in Abu Dhabi are set against the backdrop of upcoming global climate negotiations at COP29 in Azerbaijan, where the implementation of previous climate commitments and financing the green transition will be key topics

💬 One quote: "AI needs energy and energy needs AI," said Sultan al-Jaber, emphasizing the mutual dependencies of advancing technology and sustainable energy solutions

📈 One stat: Over 1,000 terawatt hours - The projected global electricity consumption by data centers by 2026, highlighting the urgent need for efficient and sustainable energy use.

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