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The UK’s energy transition will stall without policy action

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Forbes or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: The UK's progress in its energy transition, crucial for achieving net zero emissions by 2050, is at risk of stalling without significant policy action
• Despite being a leader in green electricity and having the world's largest offshore wind market, recent developments and election cycle politics threaten to slow momentum
• The UK is expected to fall short of its net zero and 2030 emissions reduction commitments under current trajectories

🔭 The context: Political decisions influenced by upcoming elections and financial constraints are impacting the UK's energy transition plans
• Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's emphasis on a "fairer" approach to net zero for families, along with opposition and Reform UK's varying stances on decarbonization, highlight the political challenges facing the UK's energy ambitions

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The UK's energy transition is pivotal not only for meeting its own legislative targets but also for setting a global example in reducing dependency on fossil fuels and lowering CO2 emissions
• With 80% of the UK's primary energy currently derived from fossil fuels, a shift to 65% low carbon supply by 2050 is critical but insufficient to meet net zero goals

⏭️ What's next: To achieve its ambitious net zero targets, the UK must triple historical electricity investment levels and embrace a holistic systems approach to energy 
• This includes addressing the challenges of decarbonizing home heating and rolling out heat pumps, which are hindered by the high cost of electricity and poor home insulation

📈 One stat: UK household energy bills are projected to be 40% lower in 2050 compared to today, driven by increased electrification and reduced energy demand, offering a financially viable path for the energy transition

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