· 5 min read
In the world of global climate initiatives, a paradox bubbles beneath the surface. The paradox of advancement—where the path toward innovation often treads a fragile line between praise and beratement. I think this paradox is most apparent in the carbon offsetting arena—a concept that has become both a symbol of hope and a subject of dispute.
One only needs to flick through a newspaper to see this contradiction in action. Just last week, I read two articles—in the same publication—one hailing the concept of forest preservation and the other disparaging the once (not so long ago) highly acclaimed initiative of cooking stoves.
These patterns and sentiments are then mirrored throughout society: We often idolize the latest "shiny" climate initiative, and the second any kind of crack begins to show, we kick it to the curb. This "bandwagon climate critic" syndrome is plaguing our climate efforts and could have consequences should we not change the narrative.
The controversy of carbon offsets
Carbon offsetting is a mechanism for organizations to balance out their carbon footprint by investing in environmental projects. But in fact, it’s more than that. In actuality, carbon offsetting may be one of the most critical ways for humanity to reverse the effects of climate change. The race toward "net zero" has made many lose sight of what’s actually at stake. Many people believe that simply avoiding carbon emissions is the solution and that offsets are, in fact, just a marketing facade.
But we are on track to overshoot our global warming targets (net zero) by 2050. This is the new reality. The sooner we come to terms with this—and understand that we need to remove legacy emissions—the better.
Now, picture this scenario: A well-known corporation takes it upon itself, voluntarily, to manage its carbon footprint. It goes to the most heavily vetted registry it can find and buys millions of dollars worth of vetted carbon credits.
This corporation has no idea about these offsets' technical aspects. All it knows is that it has a significant problem with hard-to-abate emissions that can only be handled through offsets, and so it proactively and voluntarily spends millions of dollars to do just that. When it turns out that the activities underlying the carbon offsets the company bought and used have now been found as having little to no scientific basis in the first place, the company receives a bunch of negative attention through no fault of their own.
If we can't blame the corporation itself, then who can we blame?
Well, what if we framed it differently?
Whether the methodology was inherently flawed or, more likely, the project embraced a novel and promising concept only to encounter unexpected shortcomings through real-time data, this situation is far from malicious or even negligent.
Instead, it is the direct result of a race to meet sustainability goals, where shortcuts may be necessary to succeed. And when shortcuts are required, there will inevitably be cracks. We cannot let these cracks deter us from getting up and trying again. We must keep innovating, developing new concepts and methodologies to remove carbon from the atmosphere, and investing in these solutions.
Now, this is not to say that we shouldn't keep improving and course-correcting along the way as more data becomes available—we absolutely must. But we also need to understand it won't be a linear process, void of ups and downs. Maybe we could have had the privilege of this intense scrutiny and expectation of perfection "on the first try" had we started earlier. But now, we don't have the liberty of time.
The media's role In shaping public opinion
The media's portrayal of carbon offsetting sometimes swings like a pendulum between praise and condemnation. While publications are instrumental in highlighting flaws and fostering transparency, there's a fine line between constructive criticism and discouragement.
When carbon credits are in the spotlight for being susceptible to fraud or new methodologies are dismissed, the narrative shifts from improvement to distrust. Such a perspective can dishearten those investing in carbon offsets and paint a grim picture for potential investors and innovators.
And frankly, it disincentivizes those involved from pursuing the greater good. If nobody can be trusted to generate carbon credits, now or in the future, then why spend money on it? And why would the corporate world get involved in a game that's rigged from the start, even if they played by the rules? We need companies to commit to these efforts.
Advice for company seniors
The road to combating climate change is neither straight nor smooth. It's a path of resilience, learning and collective effort that should emphasize transparency, accountability and continuous improvement.
Some tips I’d give leaders eager to make a meaningful difference while navigating the complexities of climate solutions:
• Get comfortable with the fact that a perfect climate solution may not always present itself on the first try. Calculated risks are necessary, alongside the commitment for improvement and iteration. Work with partners who are transparent and learn from their mistakes.
• Understand that no matter how rigorous the registry standards, no verification process will be 100% bulletproof, 100% of the time. Expect the highest standards, but consider partnering with independent experts as well to analyze results and identify areas for improvement.
• Prioritize carbon offset projects that demonstrate clear additionality (proving these emissions reductions wouldn’t have happened otherwise). Seek projects with long-term carbon storage and the potential to create positive ripple effects in communities and ecosystems.
The path forward
The only way forward that I can see is to wholeheartedly commit to, encourage and finance innovative, aggressive and, yes, sometimes risky ideas. Rather than taking the path of "blame games," we need to focus on collaborative efforts toward perhaps the most important common goal of our generation.
This article is also published on Forbes. illuminem Voices is a democratic space presenting the thoughts and opinions of leading Sustainability & Energy writers, their opinions do not necessarily represent those of illuminem.