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The future of renewable energy: solar, wind, and beyond

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By Lonnie McFadden

· 4 min read

The demand for renewable energy sources is growing as the world becomes increasingly aware of the need to transition away from fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions. The transition to a cleaner and more sustainable future starts with embracing renewable energy sources. As awareness of the need to reduce carbon emissions and rely less on fossil fuels grows, the demand for solar and wind power surges.

But what does the future of renewable energy really hold?

Solar and wind power are currently leading the way, but what does the future of renewable energy look like? This article sheds light on the potential of solar, wind, and other cutting-edge technologies and how they can shape a greener future.

The growth of solar energy

Solar energy has seen exponential growth in recent years, with installations doubling every two years since 2010. This growth is expected to continue, as the cost of solar panels and related technologies continues to drop. In addition, new innovations like floating solar farms and solar roads could further increase its use.

Floating solar farms are large arrays of solar panels mounted on floating platforms, typically in bodies of water like lakes or reservoirs. This approach has several advantages over traditional land-based solar farms. For one, it helps to reduce the amount of land needed for large-scale solar installations.

It also makes it possible to generate power in areas that would otherwise be unsuitable, like desert regions with scarce water resources. And because the water cools the panels, floating solar farms can often generate more power than land-based farms in hot climates.

Solar roads, on the other hand, are roads made from materials that allow them to double as solar panels. This innovative approach has the potential to generate significant amounts of power, especially in countries with high levels of sunlight.

In addition, solar roads are tough enough to withstand the weight of vehicles, making them an ideal solution for rural areas or areas with limited infrastructure.

The potential of wind power

Wind energy has also grown rapidly in recent years, with the use of large, commercial wind turbines becoming more widespread.

However, new technologies like vertical axis turbines and floating wind farms could help to unlock even more potential for this clean, renewable source of energy.

Vertical axis turbines are a newer type of wind turbine with several advantages over traditional horizontal axis turbines. For one, they can be located closer to the ground, making them less of a visual obstruction. They also generate more power at lower wind speeds, making them a better choice for regions with low average wind speeds. And because they have a smaller footprint than traditional turbines, they’re easier to install in densely populated areas.

Floating wind farms, like floating solar farms, are a way to generate wind power in areas that would otherwise be unsuitable for traditional land-based wind turbines.

Because wind speeds are often higher over the open ocean, floating wind farms have the potential to generate significantly more power than land-based farms. They also help to reduce the impact of wind farms on wildlife and ecosystems, making them a more environmentally friendly choice.

Beyond solar and wind

While solar and wind will likely remain the primary sources of renewable energy, there are a number of other promising technologies on the horizon.

For example, tidal power harnesses the energy of ocean currents, while geothermal energy taps into the heat generated by the Earth’s core.

Tidal power is a relatively new technology that generates electricity by harnessing the energy of ocean currents. This can be done using underwater turbines, which are placed in areas with strong tidal flows.

Tidal power has the advantage of being very predictable, with tides following a set schedule that’s easy to forecast. It’s also a very powerful source of energy, with some tidal flows.


This information is for anyone who is curious about the future of energy and the impact it has on our planet. It’s also for those who are passionate about creating a better world for future generations.

With new innovations like floating solar and wind farms, solar roads, tidal power, and geothermal energy, the future of renewable energy is full of possibilities. By learning about these technologies and investing in them, we can play a role in building a sustainable energy future.

The future of renewable energy is bright, with solar and wind power continuing to grow and new technologies emerging all the time.

By investing in these clean, sustainable sources of energy, we can help to create a more livable future for generations to come. Whether it’s through large-scale installations or small, individual actions, we all have a role to play in building a more sustainable energy future.

This article is also published on the author's blog. illuminem Voices is a democratic space presenting the thoughts and opinions of leading Sustainability & Energy writers, their opinions do not necessarily represent those of illuminem.

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About the author

Lonnie McFadden is a creative entrepreneur, internationally published author, motivational speaker and Medium Top Writer.

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