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The 11 biggest announcements from Climate Week NYC and the UNGA

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on edie or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Recent climate gatherings spotlight decisive talks and green initiatives ahead of the UN Climate COP
• In New York City, The Climate Group’s Climate Week unfolded in tandem with high-level UN General Assembly meetings, harboring discussions and commitments aimed at fostering sustainable pathways

🔭 The context: The week saw commitments and legal strides; Colombia and Panama stepped into the Powering Past Coal Alliance, California initiated legal proceedings against oil magnates, and a collective of nations embraced the High Seas Treaty
• Furthermore, the US introduced the ‘American Climate Corps,’ aiming to fuel youth participation in ecocentric sectors

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: These actions underscore a global push toward ecological conservation and sustainable development, indicating an incremental shift in international focus
• However, the actualization of these commitments is pivotal for tangible global impact, considering the ever-intensifying climate predicaments

⏭️ What’s next: The forthcoming UN Climate COP in Dubai is eyed with anticipation and skepticism, serving as a litmus test for the actualization of the pronounced commitments and the global readiness to confront the escalating climate crisis

💬 One quote: “The longer we remain addicted to fossil fuels, the longer we commit ourselves to mutual decline.” (Kausea Natano, Prime Minister of Tuvalu)

📈 One stat: Scientists now estimate that there will be a prospective 2.8C global heating compared to the pre-industrial era

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