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Sustainable travel, luxury travel and golf vacations are getting easier to plan

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece in Forbes or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Gen-Z's love for fast fashion and conspicuous consumption are under the spotlight. 85% of U.S. textiles produced annually are estimated to end up in landfills, equating to around 70 pounds per person
• Gen-Zers, a demographic known for their social media presence and keen eye for trends, play a significant role in this cycle

🔭 The context: Alec Leach's book "The World Is on Fire and We’re Still Buying Shoes" draws attention to the irony of damaging the planet for possessions that do not ultimately bring happiness
• This thought-provoking commentary is pushing individuals to reconsider their consumption habits and their relationship with fashion

🌎 Why it matters for the planet: The overconsumption of fashion items contributes significantly to environmental damage and landfill waste
• The focus on "newness" and staying relevant often leads to the discarding of clothes after only a few wears, despite the fashion industry's huge environmental footprint

⏭️ What’s next: In response to the book's wake-up call, some are taking up the challenge to change their shopping habits
• The Consumption Project has been launched, providing resources and community support for people who love fashion but want to adopt a more sustainable, less-is-more approach to shopping

💬 One quote: "I wanted to accept the challenge of knowing what 'enough' means to me...Maybe I’ll even find my own version of a signature look or aesthetic" (anonymous Gen-Z respondent to Leach's book)

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