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Sustainability marketing just got tricky, and better

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Forbes or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: The growth of greenwashing in marketing is challenged by increasing regulation and consumer demand for genuine sustainability
• Greenwashing, where companies make misleading claims about their environmental efforts, has been a strategy since the 1980s but is now facing serious legal and social scrutiny

🔭 The context: The term "greenwashing" was coined by environmentalist Jay Westervelt in the 1980s. Recent years have seen a regulatory crackdown on unsubstantiated eco claims in marketing, with significant actions in the EU, UK, Australia, and against advertising for fossil fuels in several locations
• This comes as a response to the heightened consumer demand for brands to support environmental and ethical lifestyles

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Greenwashing not only misleads consumers but also hinders genuine efforts to combat climate change and environmental degradation
• The increasing regulations and bans on misleading environmental claims aim to ensure that marketing contributes positively to sustainability goals rather than undermining them

⏭️ What's next: With the advent of stricter regulations and a more discerning consumer base, marketers are urged to focus on genuine sustainability efforts
• The shift away from a claims-centric approach to one that highlights the consumer's role in making a sustainable impact suggests a new direction for purpose-driven marketing

💬 One quote: "The very best sustainability marketing isn’t about you, it’s about the impact your consumer is making. She’s the hero." - This perspective encourages marketers to celebrate the consumer's contributions to sustainability rather than the brand's own claims

📈 One stat: 88% of people in the US and UK want brands to help them be more environmentally friendly and ethical in their daily lives, indicating a significant shift towards sustainability in consumer preferences

Click for more news covering the latest on greenwashing

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