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Supreme Court rules Rwanda asylum policy unlawful

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on BBC or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: The UK Supreme Court has declared the government's Rwanda asylum policy unlawful
• This policy, intended to address the issue of small boats carrying asylum seekers, has been a subject of controversy and legal challenges since its announcement in April 2022
• The court's decision means the policy cannot be implemented in its current form, marking a significant setback for the government's immigration strategy

🔭 The context: The policy involved flying asylum seekers to Rwanda and banning their return to the UK
• It faced legal challenges over concerns of human rights breaches and the potential risk of sending people back to unsafe countries
• The government had already spent £140 million on the scheme, but its implementation was halted following a Court of Appeal ruling in June last year

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The Supreme Court's ruling emphasizes the importance of human rights considerations in immigration policies
• It highlights the need for governments to ensure that their strategies do not expose individuals to further harm or violate international human rights laws

⏭️ What's next: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has indicated a willingness to revise the plan, including the possibility of finalizing a formal treaty with Rwanda
• However, the Supreme Court's decision has left the policy in tatters, and it's unclear if other countries would agree to a similar deal with the UK

💬 One quote: The government must "abandon the idea of forcibly removing people seeking asylum to third countries", describing the policy as "cruel and ineffective" (charity Asylum Aid)

📈 One stat: Over 100,000 people have arrived in the UK via illegal crossings since 2018, with 45,000 in 2022 alone

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