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Sunak’s U-turns make net zero harder and keep bills high, watchdog warns

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Guardian or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has asserted that Rishi Sunak’s reversals on pivotal climate policies could hinder the UK’s efforts to achieve its carbon-cutting targets, leading to sustained high energy bills for millions
• According to the CCC, these policy shifts could lead to the scrapping of energy efficiency plans for rented accommodations, possibly resulting in renters facing approximately £325 more in annual bills

🔭 The context: The UK government has recently shown signs of backpedaling on key environmental commitments, such as phasing out gas boilers and transitioning from petrol and diesel vehicles
• This has raised concerns across the international community regarding the country's dedication to transitioning to a green economy, affecting both domestic and international perceptions and investments

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The consistent policy changes not only jeopardize the UK’s standing in global climate initiatives but also pose economic challenges by increasing energy costs and hindering green investments
• Meeting carbon-cutting goals is vital for the UK's international reputation, environmental sustainability, and long-term economic stability, as well as for the global transition to net zero

⏭️ What's next: The UK government will be under increased scrutiny to demonstrate a genuine commitment to net zero, especially with COP28 on the horizon
• The country's climate strategies will be closely assessed, with an emphasis on delivering consistent, actionable policies that align with global climate targets

💬 One quote: “The prime minister has relaxed important policies to decarbonise buildings and transport and sent a message to business and the international audience that he will allow more time for the UK to transition to key clean technologies,” (Piers Forster, Acting Chair of the CCC)

📈 One stat: The UK currently lacks plans for nearly 20% of the emissions reductions required by 2030 to achieve the government's goal of cutting carbon by 68% compared to 1990 levels

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