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Short-sightedness and failure of Europe’s energy risk mitigation strategies

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Forbes or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Ongoing disturbances at multiple LNG facilities in Australia due to potential workers' strikes have put Europe on edge, fearing significant supply disruptions
• Australia's significant role as an LNG exporter has cast a shadow on Europe's energy security

🔭 The context: Prior to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Europe leaned heavily on Russian piped gas 
• However, following political tensions, Europe has shifted its gaze towards LNG, with imports now constituting around 40% of the continent's energy mix

🌎 Why it matters for the planet: Europe's heightened dependency on LNG implies a globalized energy market
• With Australia's potential supply shortages, Europe may face fierce competition with Asian giants like China, Japan, and South Korea in securing cargoes

⏭️ What's next: Europe will need to adapt and strategize to handle the ensuing energy challenges, especially if the upcoming winter is harsher than expected
• This includes ensuring storage is adequate and seeking alternative energy sources

💬 One quote: "They should have been jolted out of their comfort zone in 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea. [...] Now that the scenario has materialized, the Europeans are finally reacting." (Gaurav Sharma, energy analyst and business news editor)

📈 One stat: As a reference point for Europe's gas pricing, the European gas benchmark Title Transfer Facility (TTF) saw prices surge by about 50% in early August, with current averages around €35 ($37.9) per megawatt hour, a significant increase from the past decade's average

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