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Shipping contributes heavily to climate change. Are green ships the solution?

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The New York Times or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: The Laura Maersk, a containership commissioned by Danish shipping giant Maersk, has made its official arrival in Copenhagen, showcasing the global shipping industry's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint
• The ship is equipped with a special engine capable of burning traditional black oil or a greener fuel made from methanol, potentially reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 100 tons per day

🔭 The context: Cargo shipping contributes nearly 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, a figure comparable to the aviation industry
• The industry is exploring various strategies to reduce these emissions, including the use of greener fuels like methanol, ammonia, and hydrogen

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The shipping industry's transition to cleaner fuels is crucial for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change
• However, the market for green methanol is still developing, and there is uncertainty regarding its availability and affordability for powering the vast fleet of cargo ships worldwide

⏭️ What's next: The industry faces several challenges in transitioning to greener fuels, including the need for new or retrofitted ships, updated port infrastructure, and the development of a robust green methanol production industry
• Global regulations and incentives will play a key role in facilitating this transition

💬 One quote: "There has to be an economic mechanism by which you level the playing field so that people are incentivized and not punished for using low-carbon fuels" (John Butler, CEO of the World Shipping Council)

📈 One stat: Approximately 125 methanol-powered ships are currently being constructed at shipyards globally, including orders from Maersk and others, but this is only a small percentage of the existing 50,000+ cargo ships, which are responsible for transporting 90% of the world’s traded goods

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