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Rethinking carbon measurement: from tons to flux

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By Yuval Lavi

· 7 min read

1. Introduction

The carbon cycle is a fundamental planetary process where carbon moves between different reservoirs - the atmosphere, oceans, terrestrial biosphere, and geological formations. Within this cycle, carbon flux represents the rate at which carbon transfers between these reservoirs through processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, ocean absorption, and fossil fuel combustion. Currently, the global conversation about carbon and climate change has been dominated by a static measurement paradigm centred over mass: carbon tons or carbon dioxide equivalent tons (CO2e), to be exact. While this metric serves administrative and regulatory purposes, it fails to capture the dynamic nature of carbon's movement through Earth's systems, as well as the direct link between the flow of carbon between reservoirs to the global energy budget. This article challenges the prevailing focus on carbon quantities and argues for a fundamental shift toward understanding and measuring carbon flux - the rate and flow of carbon through various reservoirs. This shift isn't merely academic; it's crucial for developing effective solutions. By changing the conversion from corporate carbon footprint accounting, to energy budget, language will shift solutions to increase humanity's energy quota by increasing the speed of carbon cycle flux , while recognizing the reality of our growing global population and industrial needs.

2. Carbon flux and its relationship to energy

The choice of how we measure carbon is not arbitrary - it fundamentally shapes our understanding of the carbon cycle and, crucially, determines what solutions we pursue. While carbon tonnage creates an illusion of static, unchanging reservoirs of carbon, carbon flux reveals the dynamic reality: energy is released or reserved as carbon flows between reservoirs. This is not merely a different way of measuring the same thing - it represents a fundamentally different way of understanding the carbon cycle and its relationship to energy.

The traditional tons-based approach suggests that carbon simply sits in various reservoirs. This perception leads to solutions focused on moving carbon from one static storage location to another. However, the movement of carbon between reservoirs - the flux - is itself a manifestation of energy flow through the Earth’s system. When plants photosynthesize, they're not just moving carbon from air to biomass; they're converting solar energy into chemical energy. When we burn fossil fuels, we're not just moving carbon to the atmosphere; we're releasing stored energy for human use.

Understanding carbon through flux rather than tonnage illuminates why increasing the speed of carbon cycling could simultaneously address both our energy needs and our climate crisis. A faster, more efficient carbon cycle means more energy becoming available per unit time, while potentially reducing the accumulation of carbon in the atmosphere. This perspective reveals that our goal shouldn't simply be to move carbon from one place to another, but to optimize the flow of carbon and therefore improve the sustainable energy budget of Earth’s systems.

3. The Earth's carbon reservoirs and their interactions

The Earth's carbon system consists of major reservoirs constantly exchanging carbon through various processes, each representing a potential pathway for energy utilization. The atmosphere exchanges carbon with terrestrial plants through photosynthesis – a process that converts solar energy into biological energy while removing CO2 from the air. This same carbon returns to the atmosphere through respiration, decomposition, and combustion, releasing stored energy for life processes and human use.

Oceans interact with the atmosphere through continuous gas exchange, with cold waters absorbing CO2 more readily than warm waters. Marine organisms, like phytoplankton, transform this dissolved carbon into biological matter through photosynthesis, creating energy-rich compounds that support ocean food webs. When these organisms die, some carbon sinks to deep waters or ocean sediments, while some returns to surface waters through upwelling processes.

The speed of these exchanges directly affects energy availability in the biosphere. Faster plant growth and decomposition cycles mean more rapidly available energy for ecosystems and human use. The geological reservoir, including fossil fuels, represents carbon that has been locked away from the active cycle for millions of years. Human extraction and combustion of these fuels has dramatically accelerated the release of this long-stored carbon, while natural processes for returning carbon to long-term storage operate much more slowly.

Understanding these processes through the lens of flux rather than static quantities highlights a crucial point: a more efficient carbon cycle, with faster movement between reservoirs, could increase the quota of available energy while maintaining balance. This perspective reveals why focusing solely on carbon quantities misses the crucial dimension of cycle speed and energy availability, which becomes increasingly important as global energy demands grow.

4. Administrative metrics vs. cycle efficiency: how human systems misunderstand carbon flow

The current regulatory focus on measuring emissions and offsets in tons reflects an administrative approach designed for large companies' compliance needs. This framework, while convenient, fails to capture the complex dynamics of carbon movement and transformation. 

Humanity’s impact must be understood not just in terms of quantities emitted or stored, but in how we've disrupted the natural speed and efficiency of carbon cycling. Human activities such as mass deforestation and fuel combustion haven't just added more carbon to the atmosphere; they've fundamentally altered the efficiency and speed of carbon cycling. This perspective reveals that our challenge isn't simply about reducing tons of emissions, but about restructuring our interaction with the carbon cycle to achieve greater efficiency.

5. Consequences for climate change

The implications of viewing carbon solely through the lens of tonnage have led to an oversimplified understanding of climate solutions. When we focus exclusively on the quantity of carbon emitted or stored, we miss crucial energy aspects of the carbon cycle. This has resulted in a dangerous oversimplification where offsetting X tons of emissions with X tons of storage is seen as equivalent, regardless of the timeframe of removal of carbon from the atmosphere to other reservoirs. or the efficiency of the carbon. This approach is centred around “the wrong goal” as it is optimal for large organizations and businesses who wish to account for their carbon emissions rather than being centred around a global balanced energy supply and the environment.  

The argument presented here is that “the right goal”, or “the right conceptual frame” when addressing carbon management should be centred around increasing carbon flux. Earth's systems are currently unequipped to handle the growing global population as well as the growth of industries in a manner which does not interfere with the symmetry of the carbon cycle. Thus, if we wish at the very least to sustain the growth of humanity while providing it with the same conditions it currently enjoys, we must increase the sustainable energy budget consisting of energy released from the carbon cycle as well as non-carbon based energy such as solar and nuclear. Carbon management solutions should hence strive not only to delete the debt of emission and balance the carbon cycle, but also to increase its speed, aka, increase the carbon flux and subsequently more sustainable energy. 

The gravity of this situation is often under-appreciated because carbon dioxide is invisible to the naked eye. This invisibility makes it easy to postpone taking action to fix the carbon cycle. However, this invisibility masks a stark reality: failing to increase flow within the carbon cycle would lead to catastrophic consequences. We would find ourselves in a state where there simply isn't enough immediately available energy to sustain our growing population. The invisible nature of the problem should not blind us to its urgency - the consequences of inaction are very real and potentially devastating for human survival.

6. Conclusion

The path forward requires a fundamental shift in how we think about and measure carbon - moving from static tons to dynamic flux. This shift isn't just conceptual; it has profound implications for climate action strategies. We must abandon the notion that only permanent solutions are worthwhile and embrace immediate actions that can enhance cycle efficiency. The growing global population and industrial demands make it impossible to maintain Earth's natural carbon balance without significantly improving cycle efficiency. By reframing our understanding and measurement of carbon through flux rather than tonnage, we can better appreciate the urgency of immediate action and the importance of cycle efficiency in addressing climate change. The future depends not on how many tons of carbon we can permanently store, but on how quickly and efficiently we can cycle it through our systems.

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About the author

Yuval Lavi is the founder of TERRRA, a biological carbon removal company focused on restoring wetlands and selling carbon credits, specialized in Black-Carbon and inland Blue-Carbon. Previously, Yuval led partnerships and strategic projects in aiOla, an advanced enterprise conversational AI platform that delivers accuracy in speech recognition

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