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Retail investors power into uranium

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Financial Times enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Retail investors are acquiring uranium-linked funds, prompted by concerns that the coup in Niger, a primary uranium producer, might disrupt supplies
• Amidst rising global demand and the Russia-Ukraine conflict impacting gas supplies, energy corporations are increasingly leaning towards nuclear power to reduce fossil fuel reliance

🔭 The context: Yellow Cake, a London-listed vehicle holding physical uranium and popular among retail investors, has seen its shares jump 8% in a month and 22% since the beginning of 2023
• On the other hand, the Geiger Counter ETF has risen 8% in the past month and is 20% higher than the lows it experienced earlier in the summer

🌎 Why does it matter for the planet: Investors anticipate governments will continue to invest in nuclear power and extend the lifespan of existing reactors for energy security reasons, especially in light of recent geopolitical events
• The emission-free energy generated by nuclear fission is seen as vital for countries to achieve net-zero targets

⏭️ What's next: With supply concerns following Niger's coup and its 5% contribution to global uranium reserves, the market is tense
• With a persistent supply-demand gap since 2018, Sweden is considering lifting its 2018 uranium mining ban

💬 One quote: “The uranium market is a bit like trying to turn an oil tanker. It’s slow to add supply due to permit timelines but also the demand picture is very slow in the way it shifts, but now we’re seeing a big shift.” (Rob Crayfourd, CQS New City Investment Manager)

📈 One stat: According to the Uranium Exchange Company, the uranium spot price achieved a 16-month peak this week, reaching $58.50 per pound
• This rise in price indicates an ongoing shift in demand and a potential surge in value in the future

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