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Refugees face destitution and homelessness after being told to leave their accommodation at short notice

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the the full piece on Relief Web or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Newly recognized refugees in the UK, hailing from countries like Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, and Iraq, are being given just seven days' notice under a sudden policy change to vacate their asylum support housing
• This has left many refugees on the brink of homelessness and without the required documentation to access housing and benefits

🔭 The context: The government's new 'move-on' process has drastically reduced the time frame for refugees to find new accommodations upon gaining their status
• This decision contrasts with the previous 28-day notice period and has spurred criticism from various non-profit organizations and charities

🌎 Why it matters for the planet: This abrupt policy change amplifies the risk of refugees facing destitution, falling into crisis, and placing added strain on local authority homelessness services and the voluntary sector
• The policy contradicts the spirit of granting refugee status, which should signify safety and stability

⏭️ What's next: Over 140 organizations, including the Refugee Council, NACCOM, Shelter, and Crisis, have penned an open letter to the Government, urging reconsideration of the policy
• Key recommendations include extending the notice period and ensuring refugees receive all necessary documentation in a timely manner

💬 One quote: "Being given refugee status should be a moment of huge relief... Instead, by giving them very limited time to start anew, they are very likely to face destitution, homelessness, and fall into crisis," (Enver Solomon, CEO of the Refugee Council)

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