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Poland’s climate surprise pressures EU to pitch ambitious 2040 target

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

Illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on POLITICO or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Poland, historically a climate action skeptic, has shifted its stance and is now advocating for the EU to adopt a 90% greenhouse gas emission reduction target by 2040
• Urszula Zielińska, Poland’s new environmental secretary, announced this change in Brussels, signaling a significant policy reversal for the coal-dependent nation

🔭 The context: This move comes as the EU deliberates on its 2040 climate goals, part of the broader European Green Deal
• The EU's scientific advisors have recommended at least a 90% reduction, a target only Denmark has publicly supported until now

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Poland's shift indicates growing momentum within the EU for more aggressive climate action, essential for meeting global climate neutrality goals
• It also highlights the evolving political landscape in Europe, where environmental policies are increasingly central to governmental agendas

⏭️ What's next: The EU faces internal debates and varying national interests as it prepares to finalize its 2040 climate target
• While Poland’s stance adds weight to the push for higher targets, countries like Hungary advocate for less ambitious measures
• The European Commission's upcoming official 2040 climate proposal will be crucial in shaping the bloc's path forward

💬 One quote: "The planet is burning, and that means that the targets we have set ourselves for 2030 are not enough," (Sven Giegold, a state secretary at Germany's climate ministry)

📈 One stat: The EU is currently on track for a 51% emissions cut by 2030, short of its legally binding 55% target

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