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Planet-friendly diet cuts risk of early death by 25 per cent, Harvard study finds

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece here in The Telegraph or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: A recent study suggests that adhering to a "green" diet, focusing on sustainable foods such as vegetables, greens, fruits, and whole grains, can reduce the risk of premature death by 25%
• This reduction was observed over three decades in a group of more than 100,000 people in the US

🔭 The context: The study employed the Planetary Health Diet Index, assessing how closely an individual's diet aligns with recommendations for environmentally friendly and healthy foods
• Those with higher scores on the index demonstrated reduced risk of mortality from cancer, heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, and respiratory disease

🌎 Why it matters for the planet: This study provides additional evidence that diet choices can have a significant impact on both personal health and the environmental sustainability

⏭️ What's next: Future research will aim to adapt and validate the index for specific food cultures and environmental impacts

💬 One quote: “A sustainable dietary pattern should not only be healthy, but also consistent within planetary boundaries for greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental parameters." (Linh Bui, Harvard University’s TH Chan School of Public Health)

📈 One stat: A "green" diet, as measured by the Planetary Health Diet Index, reduced the risk of an early death by a quarter, according to the study

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