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Paris to everyone: Buy French solar panels, forget all competitors

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Politico or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: France's Economy Minister, Bruno Le Maire, has advocated for the prioritization of French-made solar panels over foreign counterparts, specifically during a visit to a solar park in southern France
• This move is part of France's "solar pact" initiative aimed at boosting the domestic solar industry against global competition, notably from subsidized Chinese firms

🔭 The context: While the initiative technically supports buying European panels, Le Maire's comments suggest a strong preference for French products, potentially conflicting with EU rules against favoring national companies for public contracts
• The European Union recently passed the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA), which indirectly supports the purchase of European solar panels, aligning with France's objectives

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: By promoting domestic and European solar panel production, France is looking to reduce reliance on imports, especially from countries with lower environmental standards
• This shift towards local production is crucial for sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint associated with the long-distance transportation of solar panels

⏭️ What's next: France's push for national preference in solar panel procurement could face scrutiny under EU regulations
• The country's initiative and the broader EU goals reflect a delicate balance between promoting local industry and adhering to the principles of free market and fair competition within the union

💬 One quote: "I call on big decision-makers, energy companies, and solar parks developers … to massively resort to 'Made in France' panels," stated Bruno Le Maire, France's Economy Minister.

📈 One stat: France aims to produce 40 percent of the solar panels it uses locally, as stated by Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire.

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