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How circularity can reduce waste in construction

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: An estimated 600 million tons of debris from construction and demolition materials were generated in the United States in 2018, signifying a significant sustainability challenge 
• The concept of circularity, focusing on the reuse of materials after their initial lifecycle, is gaining traction as a solution to reduce waste in the construction industry

🔭 The context: Circularity in construction involves adaptive reuse of buildings, intentional material selection, designing for modularity and deconstruction, and innovative waste management strategies 
• These practices are essential as they contribute to minimizing environmental impacts and fostering a sustainable future

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The adoption of circularity principles in construction addresses critical environmental challenges by significantly reducing waste and promoting the use of renewable or recyclable materials, thus protecting natural resources and reducing carbon emissions

⏭️ What's next: The construction industry is poised for a sustainable transformation through circularity 
• By integrating these practices more broadly in the design and construction processes, the sector can advance towards a more sustainable future, reducing waste and environmental impact

📈 One stat: On the Kendeda Building project, a salvaged item was incorporated for every 500 square meters of building, featuring 489 panels of nail-laminated timber built using locally salvaged materials

Click for more news covering the latest on environmental sustainability and degrowth


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