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One of Europe’s hottest cities rediscovers an old cooling technique

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Bloomberg or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: The streets of Seville (Spain) are feeling the impact of extreme heat, and the city is taking innovative measures like CartujaQanat, an architectural experiment that uses a network of underground pipes inspired by Persian-era canals to cool the environment without fossil fuels

🔭 The context: Seville's old city was built to withstand heat with narrow streets, shade, and fountains, but modern districts lack these cooling techniques
• “New” experimental technologies are being embraced, such as the CartujaQanat project designed by researchers at Universidad de Sevilla, inspired by ancient Persian engineering

🌎 Why does it matter for the planet: The new and experimental cooling solutions in Seville are part of a broader battle against climate change and deadly heat
• The CartujaQanat system uses natural techniques and solar power, reducing reliance on air-conditioning and potentially providing a model for other cities

⏭️ What's next: Despite hurdles, the goal of the CartujaQanat is to test and fine-tune the technology so it can be replicated elsewhere
• Seville's mayor José Luis Sanz expressed support for more initiatives like this and plans to use the space for cultural activities and education

💬 One quote: "The impacts of climate change are more than obvious, it is such an overwhelming problem when you think about it on a global scale, but as a city hall, we try to do our part." (José Luis Sanz, Major of Seville)

📈 One stat: The grid of aqueducts in CartujaQanat can lower surrounding temperatures by as much as 10C using just air, water, and solar power

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