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Oil drops after Israel launches ground offensive of Gaza Strip

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Business Times or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: In a surprising turn of events, oil prices dropped in the aftermath of Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza, despite it being a marker of increased instability in the region

🔭 The context: The oil markets have been closely watching the conflict, given the region's significant contribution to global oil supplies, accounting for a third of the total
• The conflict has raised concerns about potential escalation and involvement of other states and groups, including Iran

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The region's pivotal role in oil production means that any disturbance in its output or distribution channels can trigger fluctuations in oil prices, leading to broader economic instability
• This, in turn, can hinder global efforts towards sustainable development and energy transition, as reliance on fossil fuels becomes more pronounced in times of uncertainty

⏭️ What's next: The situation remains tense, with both the United States and Iran issuing warnings about the potential for the conflict to spread
• The U.S. has expressed concerns over an "elevated risk" of regional spillover and has committed to responding to any attacks on its troops by Iranian proxies
• Iran, on the other hand, has indicated that the war might "force everyone to take action"

📈 One stat: Brent oil fell towards US$89 a barrel, while West Texas Intermediate dropped near US$84, reflecting the immediate impact of the conflict on global oil prices

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