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Norway hit by hurricane-force winds: Is climate change making Europe's extreme storms worse?

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Euronews or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Norway has experienced its most powerful storm in over three decades, named Ingunn, with hurricane-force winds reaching up to 180 kph causing significant damage
The storm, fueled by a potent jet stream across the Atlantic, led to flooding, power outages, and extensive travel disruptions in central parts of the country.

🔭 The context: Ingunn's impact is part of a broader pattern of severe weather affecting Europe, including the UK, which has seen an unprecedented number of named storms this season
Meteorologists attribute this uptick in storm activity to a combination of factors, including a powerful jet stream, the El Niño weather phenomenon, and possibly climate change, though the direct attribution to climate change in terms of frequency and intensity of windstorms remains complex.

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The increasing severity and impact of storms like Ingunn underscore the broader implications of climate change on weather patterns
Enhanced storm activity, characterized by more intense winds and heavier rainfall, reflects the added energy in the atmosphere due to global warming, impacting communities, ecosystems, and infrastructure

⏭️ What's next: With predictions of winter windstorms slightly increasing in number over Europe in the coming years and the impacts of each El Niño event intensifying with global warming, the need for climate adaptation and resilient infrastructure becomes more urgent
The scientific community continues to study these phenomena to better understand and mitigate their effects.

💬 One quote: "When we see a storm, it's likely to be more intense because there's more energy in the atmosphere," explains Clare Nasir, a senior broadcast meteorologist at the Met Office, highlighting the link between global warming and storm intensity.

📈 One stat: No specific statistic provided, but the mention of "hurricane-force winds up to 180 kph" indicates the extreme nature of Storm Ingunn's impact on Norway.

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