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Macron calls proposed EU-Mercosur trade pact ‘very bad deal’ lacking strong climate commitments

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Guardian or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: French President Emmanuel Macron criticized the proposed EU-Mercosur trade agreement as a "very bad deal" due to its lack of attention to climate and biodiversity concern
• Speaking in São Paulo, Brazil, Macron emphasized the need for a deal that aligns with developmental, climate, and biodiversity goals

🔭 The context: The EU-Mercosur trade talks have faced challenges, particularly from France, which has expressed concerns over the environmental standards of imported goods and the impact on its agricultural sector
• Macron's comments underscore the ongoing tension between trade ambitions and environmental standards within international agreements

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Macron's stance highlights a growing insistence on incorporating strong environmental commitments in international trade agreements
• This reflects a broader shift towards recognizing the impact of trade on climate change and biodiversity, and the need for global economic activities to be aligned with environmental sustainability

⏭️ What's next: With "decisive progress" in the EU-Mercosur trade talks expected by July, the call for enhanced climate and biodiversity considerations may influence future negotiations
• Macron's advocacy for more responsible trade practices could set a precedent for embedding environmental standards in international economic agreements

💬 One quote: "Let’s forge a new deal in light of our goals and reality, a trade deal that is responsible on development, climate and biodiversity," Macron urged, highlighting the necessity for trade agreements to support global sustainability efforts.

📈 One stat: No specific statistic provided, but the emphasis is on aligning trade deals with climate and biodiversity objectives, suggesting a shift towards sustainability in global trade practices.

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