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‘It’s an insult’: drivers react to Rishi Sunak’s electric car U-turn

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Guardian or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak delayed the banning of new petrol and diesel car sales to 2035, marking a notable deviation from prior governmental environmental commitments, and inciting international and industrial outrage and dismay

🔭 The context: This unexpected policy shift, announced concurrently with decisions to slow the phasing out of gas boilers and to abandon energy efficiency requirements for landlords, is perceived by some as a compromise to the UK’s climate goals, affecting both public opinion and the development of the electric vehicle (EV) market

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: This alteration in policy trajectory is viewed as damaging to progress toward a sustainable, eco-friendly future, potentially compromising the UK’s ability to meet its climate goals and raising concerns about the commitment to environmental conservation and carbon emission reduction

⏭️ What's next: This delay has extensive repercussions, affecting public perspectives and decisions on electric vehicles and sustainability, influencing the development and availability of EV infrastructure, and altering the market for second-hand electric vehicles and the overall landscape of ecological transition

💬 One quote: “I wasn’t surprised – I expect the Conservatives to undermine their pledges. They don’t care about us, the environment, the climate or even public opinion” (Zoe, midwife in Gloucestershire)

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