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Israel-Palestine crisis: ‘Enough is enough’ say UN humanitarians

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on UN News or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: The Israel-Palestine crisis is escalating, with UN agencies calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to aid Gaza
• In a joint statement, global humanitarian leaders called the killings of large numbers of civilians in Gaza an “outrage”

🔭 The context: The conflict has resulted in significant civilian casualties and destruction of essential infrastructure
• The Ministry of Health in Gaza reports a death toll of 9,770 as of the morning of the 6th of November, including 4,008 children and 2,550 women
• Over 2,260 people are missing, presumed trapped under rubble, while Israeli airstrikes continue hitting the area

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The humanitarian crisis is deepening, with the Israeli authorities cut off all food, water, medicine, electricity, and fuel from entering the Strip leaving Gaza's 2.2 million residents without the essentials for survival
• Infrastructure damage includes the destruction of solar panels, further reducing power for hospitals, essential services, and UN facilities that were used as a shelter for over 700,000 people

⏭️ What's next: The UN is pushing for a ceasefire to facilitate the delivery of aid and to protect civilians
• The situation highlights the urgent need for a resolution to the conflict and respect for international humanitarian law

💬 One quote: "An entire population is besieged and under attack, denied access to the essentials for survival, bombed in their homes, shelters, hospitals, and places of worship. This is unacceptable" (Various UN officials)

📈 One stat: More than 100 Israeli airstrikes on healthcare facilities, killing or injuring close to 1,000 people, have been reported as of 4 November according to UN health agency WHO

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