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Investors and regulators focus on food tracing

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece here in The Financial Times or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Rising regulations in the EU and the US, alongside demands from sustainability-driven investors, are motivating restaurant and grocery chains to scrutinize their food source
• The EU's CSRD effective January 2024 will mandate major businesses to disclose details about environmental and social risks including food tracing from raw materials to final product
• In the US, new FDA rules on food traceability will be effective from January 2026, enforcing stricter record-keeping for tracking produce such as fish, cheese, fruits, and vegetables

🌎 Why does it matter for the planet: The food industry is a significant concern for sustainable investors
• Non-profit organization As You Sow has previously targeted food companies over the use of pesticides in agriculture and antibiotics in meat
Accurate food tracing can help businesses understand their environmental impact and make more sustainable choice

⏭️ What's next: As regulations tighten and sustainable investing continues to rise, the demand for accurate food tracing will likely grow
• Watch for how global food companies respond and adapt to these trends, and the role of innovative start-ups in shaping the future of food traceability.

💬 One quote: "Traceability can help retailers and restaurants identify the environmental impact of their ingredients and make more sustainable choices" (Stephen Bruce, CEO of Trustwell)

Click for more news covering the latest on Sustainable Food

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