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IKEA's flatpack furniture linked to ‘systematic destruction’ of Romanian forests

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Euronews or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: IKEA faces accusations of contributing to the destruction of Romania’s ancient forests
• Investigations by NGOs reveal the company's suppliers are linked to illegal logging and poor forest management
• Romania’s Carpathian forests, including protected areas, are heavily impacted

🔭 The context: Greenpeace and other organizations report that half of Romania’s ancient forests have vanished in 20 years due to corruption and lax enforcement
• The European Commission started infringement proceedings against Romania for failing to protect these forests
• IKEA and its franchisee Ingka Group deny the allegations, claiming compliance with regulations and certification standards

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Destruction of old growth forests contributes to biodiversity loss and climate change
• IKEA's practices threaten Romania’s remaining primary forests, crucial for ecological balance
• Ensuring sustainable forestry is vital for preserving these ecosystems

⏭️ What's next: The European Commission may escalate the case against Romania to the European Court of Justice
• Environmental groups call for stricter enforcement of EU nature laws
• IKEA faces increasing pressure to adopt more sustainable and transparent sourcing practices

💬 One quote: “If the Commission does not escalate Romania’s clear disregard of EU nature laws before the EU’s highest court, the future of these important forests looks dire” (Agata Syfraniuk, lead wildlife lawyer at ClientEarth)

📈 One stat: Romania loses approximately 40 million cubic meters of wood annually, with half being illegally harvested

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