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Ice is getting more dangerous as the world warms, study suggests

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

Illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Washington Post or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Warming winters are making ice more dangerous across the Northern Hemisphere, as a new study in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment finds declining ice thickness and quality
• Increased formation of weaker "white ice" due to climate change is threatening activities like ice fishing, skating, and transportation on frozen lakes

🔭 The context: Ice quality depends on a balance between solid "black ice" and weaker "white ice"
• Warming temperatures and more snow delay black ice formation, leading to more white ice, which is less dense and structurally weaker
• Arctic regions are particularly vulnerable, with declining ice quality affecting crucial ice roads and transportation routes

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: As ice becomes more dangerous, communities relying on ice for transportation and tourism will face increased risks, including accidents and economic losses
• The changes could also significantly impact recreational activities like ice festivals and ice fishing

⏭️ What's next: Researchers recommend doubling safety guidelines for ice thickness
• With projected continued warming, areas between 40-45 degrees north could lose safe ice entirely, while regions 60 degrees north may see a 13-35 day reduction in safe ice

💬 One quote: “For a human to go out on the ice to skate or play... requires about 10 centimeters or four inches of black ice,” said Sapna Sharma, the study's senior author

📈 One stat: Lakes between 40-45 degrees north are projected to lose safe ice for the entire winter season

Click for more news covering the latest on climate change effects

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