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How nature-based knowledge can restore local ecosystems

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Conversation or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: The article discusses the role of nature-based knowledge in revitalizing local ecosystems and improving community well-being, focusing on certified organic farming organizations on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, which prioritize environmental stewardship and sustainable, harmonious operations with nature

🔭 The context: Traditional food and agriculture systems contribute significantly to global issues like greenhouse gas emissions, freshwater usage, and deforestation
• In response, there's a shift towards regenerative agricultural strategies that emphasize ecological knowledge and practices to make food systems more resilient and sustainable

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The shift to regenerative agriculture and the application of nature-based knowledge can significantly reduce environmental impacts, restore local ecosystems, and enhance community well-being
• This approach addresses the urgent need for sustainable food systems in the face of global ecological challenges and a growing population

⏭️ What's next: There is an increasing urgency to adopt sustainable practices that ensure ecosystem health, community well-being, and food security
• Businesses, especially large corporations, are urged to commit to regenerative farming practices and prioritize ecological knowledge, which can lead to improved sustainability and positive community impact

💬 One quote: "In the long term if you don’t have a really solid, values-based business, then you’re going to disappear anyway. [We] put our values behind our environmental footprint and [our efforts to make] this community a better place," (Farmer interviewed in the study)

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