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How is extreme weather testing China's climate resilience?

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece here in Reuters or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: During the first half of 2023, China has experienced dramatic fluctuations in weather patterns, challenging the nation’s infrastructure and disaster-response capabilities
• While temperatures soar, affecting power grids and water security, intense rainfall ruins crops and poses threats to urban populations

🔭 The context: China has been identified as particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts due to its extensive population and unevenly distributed water resources
• Rainfall in regions like Yunnan province has significantly decreased, resulting in widespread drought affecting millions of hectares of farmland 

🌎 Why does it matter for the planet: The challenges faced by China, a major global player, have implications for international food security, supply chains, and climate change strategies
• China's increasing reliance on coal as a result of weather-induced strains on hydropower also has global environmental consequences

⏭️ What’s next: In an effort to combat the effects of erratic weather patterns, China has introduced measures such as the "sponge city" pilot project aimed at reducing water logging and preventing floods
• The Chinese government unveiled plans to create a national network of canals, reservoirs, and storage facilities to improve control over water flows

💬 One quote: "The weather extremes in China are a stark reminder of the urgency for integrated climate resilience strategies on a global scale. These events are not isolated; they reflect the pressing need for international cooperation in climate action." (Dr. Li Wei, Climatologist at the Beijing Climate Center)

📈 One stat: In June, Northern China, particularly Beijing, recorded 13.2 days with temperatures of at least 35°C (95°F), the highest number of extremely hot days for the month since records began in 1961

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