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How hilary turned into a monster storm

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on WIRED or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Tropical storm Hilary unleashed unparalleled rainfall on regions such as Mexico, Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada, shattering numerous daily rainfall records
• Its aftermath left widespread flooding, debris flows, and significant damage to infrastructure and property, trapping residents in areas like Palm Springs

🔭 The context: Hilary, which originated as a hurricane in the eastern Pacific, derived its power primarily from the warm ocean waters
• Warm, moist air intensifies and elevates the storm's potential, as elaborated by climate scientist Karthik Balaguru from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The development of El Niño, leading to warmer waters in the eastern Pacific, has further boosted Hilary's intensity

🌎 Why does it matter for the planet: Hilary's trajectory and the damage it caused is a sign of changing weather patterns influenced by global warming
• While such occurrences are rare, they can become more frequent and destructive in a warming climate

⏭️ What's next: Determining the role of climate change in such specific weather events can be intricate 
• Research indicates that while hurricane frequencies might decrease, their intensity and destruction could magnify

💬 One quote: “For the storm to retain its structure all the way up to California, I think that is extremely rare. For that to happen, the storm has to be quite intense.” (Karthik Balaguru, climate scientist)

📈 One stat: Mount San Jacinto, near Palm Springs, recorded almost a foot of rainfall within two days due to Hilary

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