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How climate change threatens some of the world’s most coveted real estate

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on CNN or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Redhill Peninsula in Hong Kong, experienced severe damages from the heaviest rainfall in nearly 140 years, questioning the reliability of constructions deemed "safe"
• Investigations are examining whether building code violations contributed to the damages, highlighting possible disparities in rule compliance between affluent and less affluent communities

🔭 The context: Hong Kong's rigorous safety standards were thought to protect cliffside homes, like those in Redhill, from storms and landslides, but recent extreme rainfall has shown these standards may not be sufficient
• The city, having fortified its slopes after experiencing landslides in the 1970s, is considered one of the most resilient places against such disasters

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The increasing frequency of extreme weather events, attributed to climate change, necessitates a reevaluation of building standards and a stronger adherence to them for the safety of all residents, irrespective of their socioeconomic status
• The unauthorized modifications and potential building code violations in high-end residences underscore the need for stringent checks and balances in construction practices

⏭️ What’s next: Experts and authorities are urging for a review of the decades-old standards for hillside buildings, stressing the imperative to adapt to the evolving challenges posed by climate change
• The government's commitment to inspecting and prosecuting any building code violations is crucial to mitigating future risks and fostering a sense of security among residents

💬 One quote: “The landslide at Redhill Peninsula has already shown us that part of the estate carries risks, so relevant departments will target the estate for inspections” (John Lee, City's leader)

📈 One stat: Over 600mm (23.6 inches) of rain was recorded during the storm, leaving three millionaire homes perilously close to the edge and turning roads into rivers, illustrating the profound impacts of such extreme weather events on urban settings

Click for more news covering the latest on climate change

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