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How can we fulfil the growing need for green skills in the job market?

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Earth.Org or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: The demand for green skills in the job market is surging as the world confronts escalating environmental challenges
The urgency for a workforce equipped with the knowledge and expertise for a sustainable future is highlighted by the climate crisis, with 2023 marked as the hottest year in history
Governments and industries are now focusing on transitioning away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy, necessitating a shift in skills

🔭 The context: The LinkedIn Global Green Skills Report 2023 indicates a significant rise in green job postings, a trend expected to accelerate with the global agenda to phase out fossil fuels
Despite this increasing demand, the development of green skills has not been a priority for many organizations
Skills gaps are evident, particularly in sectors such as the UK's financial services, which are lagging in integrating sustainable financial and business planning

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The shift towards a sustainable economy is crucial in combating climate change
Developing a workforce with green skills is fundamental to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
This workforce will drive the transition to a low-carbon economy, fostering innovation and implementing sustainable solutions across industries

⏭️ What's next: Businesses and governments must collaborate to create clear pathways for green skills development, addressing the current skills gap
This includes investing in training and development programs tailored to the needs of different sectors, as well as fostering a culture of sustainability within organizations
Such efforts are essential for preparing the workforce for future sustainability challenges and opportunities

💬 One quote: "Employers must now begin cultivating green skills within their existing workforce, by equipping staff with the tools and knowledge to meet present and future sustainability needs." - No specific author mentioned.

📈 One stat: Green job postings increased by more than 15% in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to LinkedIn’s Global Green Skills Report 2023.

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