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How AI can help power energy systems in an age of renewables

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Reuters or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: The integration of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power into electricity grids is complicating energy management due to their intermittent nature
• AI is emerging as a crucial tool in managing this complexity by offering enhanced forecasting and optimization capabilities
• Companies are increasingly leveraging AI to analyze massive data sets, predict energy demand and supply, and efficiently orchestrate grid operations

🔭 The context: Grid operators, who have traditionally managed predictable demand fluctuations, now face the challenge of matching supply with demand in a landscape where both variables are increasingly unpredictable
• The growth of renewable energy introduces greater variability in energy supply, making the task of balancing the grid more complex

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Efficient grid management is essential for maximizing the benefits of renewable energy sources, which are crucial for reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change
•AI's role in optimizing energy distribution and reducing reliance on fossil fuels is therefore vital for environmental sustainability

⏭️ What's next: The advancements of AI will require careful implementation and robust data infrastructure to ensure reliability and security

💬 One quote: “The energy sector is a very stable sector... It's not that we see a technology today, it becomes hype, and then tomorrow I apply it and make it available everywhere. This is not what happens in the energy sector.” (Sherif El-Mashad, Digital Lead at ABB Electrification)

📈 One stat: Consulting firm Indigo Advisory estimates that there are over 100 vendors offering AI solutions in the energy sector, with the market worth up to $13 billion

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