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Growing green awareness gives eco-innovation a competitive edge

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece here in The Financial Times or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Research conducted by Princeton, London School of Economics, Insead and Collège de France indicates that climate-friendly actions by businesses, such as cutting emissions and setting net-zero targets, can boost shareholder value
• Consumers increasingly prefer environmentally conscious options, exemplified by the rising demand for electric vehicles

🔎 The context: The traditional view, associated with economist Milton Friedman, is that environmental concerns are outside the scope of businesses or are detrimental to economic growth 
• However, there is mounting evidence that integrating sustainability and innovation in products and services can provide a competitive edge

🌍 Why does it matter for the planet: Increased consumer preference for sustainable products drives businesses to innovate in clean technologies
• This, in turn, can lead to a reduction in harmful emissions and a positive impact on the environment

⏭️ What’s next: As consumer pro-environmental sentiment grows, companies are likely to continue investing in sustainable innovations
• Policymakers can capitalize on this trend by implementing educational programs and grassroots campaigns to further shift environmental attitudes, thereby encouraging the adoption of clean technologies

💬 One quote: "Given that some consumers are willing to pay more for greener products, companies might consider a new mindset. Rather than seeing climate mitigation as a regulatory burden, they should see it as an opportunity — environmentally friendly approaches can yield both profits and a competitive edge." (Ralf Martin, Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy)

📈 One stat: A study conducted in 25 countries showed that in places where pro-environmental sentiments were on the rise, companies exposed to these markets intensified innovation in electric, hydrogen, and hybrid technologies and decreased innovation in combustion engine technologies

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