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‘Generation COP’ is less fearful than older people about climate

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Bloomberg or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Seiko Epson Corp.'s third annual Climate Reality Barometer report revealed that almost half of young respondents believe they will not personally experience a climate disaster in their lifetime, despite the increasing number of extreme climate events occurring globally

🔭 The context: The survey was conducted on over 30,000 individuals from 39 economies
• It found that the primary concern for those under 29 (the so-called “COP generation) is actually rising costs, while climate change is the top issue for participants 30 and above
• The Chief Executive Officer of Seiko Yasunori Ogawa said this could possibly be attributed to widespread familiarity with climate change and a belief in technology-driven solutions among younger people

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Addressing the lack of urgency towards climate change among younger people compared to their older counterparts is a concern for the global community
• This younger generation will soon be the primary decision-makers, leaders, and consumers, influencing policies, economies, and social structures
• Ensuring they are well-informed, concerned, and proactive about climate change is crucial

⏭️ What's next: This report clearly indicates that many people might not be fully aware of the severe repercussions of ongoing fossil fuel emissions on Earth's climate
• There is a need to take immediate action to prevent a temperature rise of 2.8C and an even more pressing need to educate young people about the dire situation the world is in

💬 One quote: “Younger people... have been living under global warming since birth, so they may not feel so threatened by the change,” (Yasunori Ogawa, Chief Executive Officer of Seiko Epson Corp)

📈 One stat: Nearly 49% of respondents aged 16 to 29 are “very optimistic” or “somewhat optimistic” they won’t be impacted by events like floods, droughts or landslides

Click for more news covering the latest on climate change

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