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Fixing gender disparity and climate change together

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece in Capital Monitor or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news:  Research from the London School of Economics concludes that climate change impacts are not gender-neutral, indicating the urgent need for gender-based responses to environmental crises
• Women, especially low-skilled laborers, face more severe repercussions from rising temperatures

🔭 The context: Gender and climate change interlinkages were globally recognized nearly 30 years ago at the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
• Despite this, progress in integrating women into climate action remains slow and could delay gender equality by another 15-20 years without a concerted shift in course

🌎 Why it matters for the planet: Disproportionate effects of climate change on women, including increased work hours and amplified risks of gender-based violence, necessitate a gender-sensitive approach to climate solutions
• Higher representation of women in climate-related decisions is associated with improved climate policies and enhanced financial performance of asset management firms

⏭️ What’s next: Experts propose tackling green job inequalities via educational and organizational reforms and addressing social and financial exclusion faced by women
• Watch for efforts to improve women's representation in climate forums and decision-making roles, along with gender-equal workload redistribution

💬 One quote: "Although often seen only as the victims of climate change, women are also catalysts for innovative solutions at both local and international levels” (OECD report, last year)

Click for more news covering the latest on women empowerment

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