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Europe’s most promising climate solutions vie for The Earthshot Prize

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Euronews or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Three European start-ups—NatureMetrics, MiAlgae, and Ferment-Up—have been selected as finalists for the Earthshot Prize 2024 for their innovative climate solutions, including eDNA biodiversity monitoring, sustainable fish feed, and upcycling food waste

🔭 The context: NatureMetrics uses eDNA technology to help businesses assess environmental impacts by collecting DNA from air, land, and water samples
• MiAlgae offers a plant-based omega-3 alternative for fish farming using whisky by-products, while Ferment-Up transforms food waste into nutritious ingredients

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: These solutions aim to reduce food waste, promote sustainable aquaculture, and protect biodiversity, addressing key environmental challenges as global food demand rises and ecosystems face increasing threats

⏭️ What's next: On November 6, five winners will be awarded £1 million each to further develop their projects, with the potential to scale up and deliver broader climate impacts

💬 One quote: “NatureMetrics converts [eDNA] data into insights to help businesses understand their dependencies, impacts, and risks relating to nature” — Euronews

📈 One stat: MiAlgae's solution helps reduce the use of wild fish, with up to 440 wild fish currently needed to produce one farmed salmon

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